An Unplanned Life Conclusion

May 28, 2011 11:41

Title: An Unplanned Life
Author: sammalkorva 
Fandom: TDWP/au
Disclaimer: I would love to own the Devil Wears Prada, but I don't.
Pairings: Miranda/Andy
Rating: PG I think..
Summary: I suck with summaries. So you just have to read it. Sorry.
A/N: Conteins rape and some other things. Angsty, but it has happy ending.

Beta: Wonderful flyhiwithme2 . Thank you for doing this for me. I did have to add some 'stuff' so mistakes pretty much all are mine.

Credits: For beautiful insix who made me believe I can do this and encouraged me the whole way.. Thank you.

This is my first ever written story in english. So I really would like to know what you guys think about this..

Thank you for all of your comments.. it is much appreciated. :)


Four months later

Andy got a job at the Mirror. She really like her job, but she missed Miranda more than she could have ever imagined. She hadn't heard from her personally, but she saw the news and gossips on the papers. She wanted to be there for Miranda, but she couldn't. She had to wait for the woman to come to her.

Her stomach grew and she felt ugly again. No-one wanted fat, ugly, single mom.. she was afaid that Miranda didn't either. Nigel and Emily were there for her and so was Lily and Doug. She loved them, but still she cried the most of the nights and only because her darling little resident in her womb didn't want her to sleep. Kicking and hitting her and giving her restless legs. Andy didn't cry because she wasn't getting any sleep.. she cried because she wanted Miranda to be there with her. Holding her and calming her down with her stupid hormones! But no, she had to do it herself. It wasn't enough and the thought of a naked Miranda and her beutiful body made her want even more. This part of her preagnancy was the worst.. her hormones and naked Miranda was the last thing she should think but she couldn't help it. She really missed the icequeen.

Her dreams weren't filled with Amalia and her wicked ways.. They were filled with Miranda and her wicked lips and hands. So one day she desided to go see Amalia's grave. She really didn't expect to she Amanda, but she was there standing at her daughter's grave and weeping silently. Andy hesitated for a moment, but

She hadn't seen Amanda for so long. She was surprised to feel the woman's arms around her, but she hugged the woman. Amanda took a long look at her before she sayed anything.

'I am sorry.' Amanda's voice was raspy for all the crying.

Andrea felt her own eyes misting. 'I am too..' She offered her flowers to the woman. 'Could you please set these down?'

Amanda looked at Andy's stomach with a sweet smile. 'If you think you have a hard time now.. you really don't know what is to come.'

'Please, don't remind me.' She offered her own sweet smile.

Amanda was looking at the grave. 'Andy, could.. could we have a cup of coffee or something? I think we need to clear the air.'

Andy took the woman's hand. 'I would love to.'

Before Amalia's death they hadn't really known each ohter, but now they were chating like an old friends. Andy felt safe talking to Amanda, who felt the same. Amanda's huspand had died two years earlier and was now ready to admit that the man had been a monster. She asked Andy's forgiveness. 'Amanda, you don't need my forgiveness.. but I'll give it to you. Are you ready to forgive yourself?'

'Yes, but I would really like to have your help with it. It isn't easy to forgive someting like that.' Amanda hesitated for a moment. 'And I know this is a lot to ask for, but I would really like to be in this child's life.' Amanda looked at her stomach.

Andy smiled. 'I wouldn't have it any other way.'

She had Amanda in her life now, but she still missed Miranda. She saw a news about Stephen and his illegal actions, but it didn't say anything else.

Amanda really loved to help her with the decorations and she really liked Nigel even he was gay. That woman had come a long way to feel like this and it felt wonderful to have someone like her in Andy's life. She was grandmother even she wasn't biological one. Andy had told her how this child had it's life and Amanda had told her that she understood how she felt about it, but she also told her how Amalia got hers. Amanda's huspand had raped her after their argument and still she loved Amalia dearly. Andy had been in shock for a second, but she realized that no matter what.. this child was a part of her. No matter who the father was. Her uncertainty was gone and she was ready to give all of her love to the child.

She told Amanda about Miranda. First she thought the woman would leave, but she felt the woman's hand on hers and she finally could look at her.

'Darling, It is time for you to move on. If this Miranda is what you want and she comes to you. Go for it. Amalia would want that for you and your child. Heck! I want that for you!' She smiled at the younger woman who was about to cry. She hugged Andy and wished her luck from the bottom of her heart.

Miranda had hard time to sleep. She had those restless dreams about her Andrea. She wished that everything was alright with her and the child. Stephen's child. When Andrea had told about her preagnancy and it was that man's who she had once called her huspand. It was like her world had dipped upside down. Her Andrea told her she was leaving and if she wanted her and her child she would come and get them. The minute she had seen Andrea walking away, she had called her. But the woman didn't answer her. Maybe it had been a good thing, but she felt empty without her Andrea. She needed her and Miranda really didn't care who was the child's father as long she had her lover with her. It really wasn't the child's fault what had happened to her mother and she was ready to love him or her like her own.

Miranda was iching to see Andrea and she wanted to hold her. She couldn't. The press was every where and one false move on her part. It would make some lucky reporter's day too good to her liking, but she was still biting her staff's heads off and only one man was 'man' enough to front her. Nigel.

'You know, she is missing you.' Nigel said.

He had known for a while about them. So had Emily, but they were to scared to say anything till to day. Everyone in Miranda's office was ready to kill themself's than corss paths with Miranda. So it had been perfect time to say something to the dragon lady to ease her roar.

'What on earth are you talking about?' Miranda knew very well who he meant.

'You know who.'

Miranda sat behind her desk. Her icequeen mask felling off. 'How is she?'

'She's good. She met Amanda, Amalia's mother.' Nigel stood up and was about to leave. 'They are friends now.'

'Nigel, could you please give me update now and then?'

'Yes, I'll do that.' Nigel gave her comforting smile.

Even Nigel giving her updates of her Andrea. She still felt restless. One night she was at her study looking at the picture of her Andrea. She was distrubed by her dauhgter's. 'Mom?' Cassidy said.

'Yes my darlings?'

Cassidy glanced her sister, who was fidgeting next to her. 'Are you ok?'

'Yes, I am ok. Shouldn't you be in bed?' Miranda stood up.

'Mom, you're not ok. You haven't been since the Paris fashion week.' Caroline was worried. 'You can tell us.'

Miranda took her time to consider should she tell her dauhgter's the truth.

'Come here,' She took the girls to her couch. The twins hugged their mom and listened. 'I'm in love.'

'Oh no! Mom, Stephen..' Miranda cut Cassidy off. 'No, not with him.' The twins looked at her puzzled.

'I'm in love with Andrea.' She waited the bomb to coming off, but it never did. She carefully looked at her daughter's seeing nothing than compassion.

'Mom, Why isn't she here then? Doesn't she want to be with us?' Cassidy asked.

'Honestly, I don't know. But if she would like to be with us.. is it alright with you two?'

'Yes, mom. We like Andy. You should marry her.' Caroline hugged her mother harder.

'Oh, darlings. I might just do that.'

'It settled then. We help you.' The girls rushed out her study leaving her baffeld.

Next day courier delivered to her house a baggage witch contained magazine's of weddings. The twins told her not to worry that they will take care of everything. Before they got to their room, their mother sotpped them. 'Darlings, there is something else to consider too,' The girs were waiting her to tell them. 'Andrea is pregnant.'

'Oh, we know. Nigel told us this morning.'

Her little darlings had a amazed her again. She really hoped that Andrea would say yes. She didn't want to tell the girls the bad news.

Six Months later.
Miranda looked at the paper in her hand. It was finally over and she could get her Andrea back . She hadn’t seen her or even talked to her. It was killing her slowly, but now.. she wanted to get the woman back to her. Nigel had told her how huge Andrea was and how well they had done the nursery. Finally she could see for herself when she got up and went to get the present from Emily who got it for her Andrea. She also had little box in her purse that contained two rings. Engagement rings for her lovely Andrea and to her. They were matching pieces.

She was nervous when she knocked on Andrea’s door.
‘Just a minute! Or an hour if I can get up!’ The woman yelled from behind the door.

Miranda felt like smiling. She was scared that too much time had passed to have her Andrea back, but she had to have those divorce papers before she could even think about having a realtionship with Andrea. She hoped in her heart that the woman would understand and forgive her delayed come back. Stephen had made the divorce hell for her, but after she mentioned Andrea to him and her unexpected huge stomach. He started to back away. But still there was so much of paperwork and settelments to get over with before she was free to be with her Andrea.
When the door opened. she couldn’t believe how beautiful Andrea was as a mother.
Miranda didn’t ask or say anything. She just walked in and kissed Andrea hard. When their kiss broke she wishpered: ‘I missed you.’

Andy felt her tears misting her eyes. She couldn't believe that the white haired goddess was in her arms again. She had almost lost all of her hope that she wouldn't came. Then Emily had said something about getting present to her child for Miranda. She had felt better, but she didn't dared to hope to much. She loved the woman, but what if it was just a friendly gesture. She was happy to find out it was more than that.

‘Oh, God! I was getting worried that you wouldn’t want us.’
‘Andrea, darling. I have wanted you for so long. This child will only be ours. If you have me as your lover and partner.’ She forgot her present when she got to her knees. She took the box out of her purse. ‘Will you marry me? Be my only one for rest of your life?’
Andy’s tears were falling. ‘Yes, my love. I’ll marry you.’
‘Good, because I don’t know how to break my twins' hearts after they have been through million catalogues looking at wedding dresses for you and me.’
‘Oh my.. just get up and kiss me already!’
Their kiss was perfect.

Few weeks later

Andy was writting furiously, when her phone started to ring. Without looking she answered it.


'Hello Darling.' It made Andy smile.

'Hi my love, What's up?' She saved her work.

'Have you heard the news?'

'What news?' Andy was puzzled.

Miranda would never say she had something to do with this. She might have told accidently to her bookkeeper about Stephen's illegal moneytransfers.

'My dear ex-huspand is going to jail for a tax froud and I made a one little phonecall to the prison. The head chief is an old friend of mine and he owns me a favour.' She could hear Miranda's smile.

'Ok. What did you tell him to do?'

'Let's just say, that Stephen is going to have wonderful time with his new sellmate who happen to be serial rapest... of men.'

'Oh. My. God. You didn't!' It was horrid thing to do, but Stephen earned it.

'Yes, I did. No-one hurts the people who I love.'

Andy took a moment to think. 'Thank you, my love.'

When the phonecall ended, she was happy. That man got what he asked for.

Eight months later

The sun was shining when she slowly woke up feeling like someone was waching her.

'Good morning, darling.'


'No darling.. It's Amalia.'

She tried to get away from the woman. 'Are you going to slap me again?'

'No.. I'm here to just talk to you.' Amalia sat next to her and put her hand on Andy's. 'It's time for you to move on.. you have cried to much after me already.' Amalia looked at Miranda who was sleeping next to her. 'You love her, don't you?' Andy looked at her lover.

'Yes, Amalia. I do.'

'Then you have to let me go.'

'No! I.. it's wrong.' She was afraid.

'Darling, I will always be a part of you, but you have Miranda now to love. She needs you as much as you need her. She might not say that outloud, but you know as well as I do. She needs you..' Andrea looked at her lover who snuggled closer to her. She had to smile. The woman was so beautiful and she was lucky to have this woman in her life. 'You are right...' At that moment she felt pain.

'It's time for you to have your baby...'

Andy had barely time to get out of their bed when her water broke. Miranda woke baffled.

'Wha..what is it, darling?'

'My water just borke.'

'Okay, calm down. I'll get the girls and you go downstairs to wait for us.' Miranda got up taking her phone to dial Roy. When Andrea was still standing and smiling like a fool. 'Darling?'

'This is it..' She smoothed her stomach.

Miranda took the woman in her arms. 'Yes, darling. This is it.' She kissed her Andrea.

'I love you.'

'I love you too.' She thouched Andrea's stomach. 'Now.. can we leave? I really don't want to have this baby at our home.' She was nervous even she had been in this situation once before and she was the one who gave birth. Still.. this was her Andrea who was having their baby.

'Yes, my love. We can go.'

Ten hours later

Andy held her daughter in her arms and she couldn’t stop smiling. Their angel was perfect. Her eyes were still black but she had a feeling those eyes would be like Amalia’s. The baby’s hair was white like a fine snow.. her nose reminded her of Miranda's. Lips were like hers..full and rose pink. Your name will be Anya.

After everything that had happened to her she finally felt calm and at ease. She was finally home.. The twins were taking pictures when Miranda leaned over and gave her a kiss. Now it was forever in their memories.

The End.
So this was the final chapter and hopefully you liked this even a little. Thanks to all of you who commented this story and to those also who did read this..thank you for reading. This wasn't my only story and now I am just waiting for my beta to get better, who I own my gratitude. With out the help, I wouldn't have published this. To Insix: You made me write and wanted me to publish this. Thank you.. you made this possible.

genre: angst, pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, all: fiction, user: sammalkorva

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