An Unplanned Life pt. 9

May 27, 2011 22:10

Title: An Unplanned Life
Author: sammalkorva 
Fandom: TDWP/au
Disclaimer: I would love to own the Devil Wears Prada, but I don't.
Pairings: Miranda/Andy
Rating: PG I think..
Summary: I suck with summaries. So you just have to read it. Sorry.
A/N: Conteins rape and some other things. Angsty, but it has happy ending.

Beta: Wonderful flyhiwithme2 . Thank you for doing this for me. I did have to add some 'stuff' so mistakes are mine.

Credits: For beautiful insix who made me believe I can do this and encouraged me the whole way.. Thank you.

This is my first ever written story in english. So I really would like to know what you guys think about this..

Thank you for all of your comments.. it is much appreciated. :)

Chapter 9

Miranda wanted her to continue as her employee  till her year was up. She wanted that too and was happy to go back to work. Stephen was out of Miranda’s life and the twins were happy. They didn't like him either. They decided that they would hold off on their relationship until Miranda’s divorce was final. It was harder than they expected. Not looking and not touching was harder every time they saw each other. Sometimes Miranda just stopped speaking when she saw Andy leaning over putting some paper on her desk or on her own and just watched her endless legs and that perfect behind. Or those magnificent breasts that begged to be touched. Andy on the other hand couldn’t get her eyes of her boss' ass that was taunting her day and night. Or those good looking legs that she wanted to wrap around her and make the woman yell her name. It really was HARD!
They were leaving for Paris fashion week when Andy noticed that her periods were late, but the doctor had told her it might happen after her rape. It was a big shock to her body and it might take some time to recover. In Paris she did her work like a normal person but she felt tired. She just wanted to sleep. Her aunt had diabetes, she thought when she noticed her need for using the toilet more often.. She drank more water too.. She just made a mental note to see her doc when she got back.
She was holding her stomach when Miranda came to her room. Andy felt like vomiting and it was only morning.
'Are you okay?’ Miranda asked. She touched Andy’s head to feel her temperature.
'No. I feel like crap. I think I have stomach flu so I think you should stay away for a while.'
'Don't be silly. I wont leave you that easily,' she hugged Andy, but Andy pushed her away and ran to her bathroom. She heard the girl vomit.
'Okay, you are going to stay in for today. Nigel can take care of your work.' She heard a mumbled thank you when she left the woman’s room.

In the afternoon she felt better and ate soup with her normal appetite.  She decided to go out for a walk and saw a pharmacy near by. She was looking at something for stomach aches and vomiting when the pharmacist gave her pregnancy test.
'I..I'm not,' she tried to say.
‘Well then, it wont hurt you to take the test. But I have seen that look on lot of women.. Just take it,' the woman said with beautiful accent.

Andy was scared to do the test, but she needed to know.
She was sitting in her bathroom and waiting for the results. Five minutes later she wanted to cry. The test showed two red stripes.. which meant she was pregnant. She felt the need to talk to Miranda but she was also scared. She didn't even know herself what she was going to do. She didn't want to kill the baby.. But she didn't know how she could look at the child knowing how it got it's life. What if she hated the child even it wasn't it's fault? She only knew she couldn't kill it.

Miranda wanted her to attend to dinner since she was feeling better. Of course she went because she missed the white haired queen.
She felt tired when she was getting out of the party. She ran in to Christian who insisted he take her to dinner with him ans she only went because she owed him. Suddenly she was in his hotel room crying about the baby. He tried to comfort her and he did. She fell a sleep on his arms. When she woke up she was a mess and found out about their plan to ruin Miranda. She tried to warn Miranda but the woman was so angry with her when she didn't come back to the hotel that she wouldn't listen. Andy went to her own room feeling guilty when Nigel came to see her. She started to cry..
Nigel found the test and guessed what was wrong.
'You are pregnant with Stephen’s child.' The woman just nodded and cried some more.
'Does Miranda know?' He already knew the answer but Andy confirmed his doubt.
He was angry really not knowing with whom. Stephen was.. He didn't know. But he was ready to protect the young woman. It didn't matter what. Andy was vomiting again but soon she gathered herself up and got ready for work. She needed to work so she didn't have to think. Miranda was cruel to her and Andy knew why. She would have been too if Miranda had done the same.. She hasn't done anything but Miranda wanted to believe she had slept with Christian. If she even wanted to do that she couldn't. They offered wine but Andy didn't take it. She saw Miranda looking at her but she didn't look back.
She felt ill and she could see Nigel concerned face when she felt the blood leaving her face. Nigel offered her water which she took. Eating was hard and she ran to ladies room to vomit as soon as it was possible.
'Still feeling ill, I see?' Miranda’s voice was full with venom.
'Yes.. Miranda. We need to talk.'
'About what? That you had sex with Christian?'
'No. I didn't sleep with him. I was with him but there was no sex. I could't do that to you or to myself.' Andy got up and drank some water from her bottle.
She looked at herself from the mirror.
‘Okay, we need to get going if we are going to get in time to the party.’

They sat in silence for a while. Miranda started to talk but Andy  didn’t hear her, she just blurted out her toughts.
'I’m pregnant.'
Miranda s eyes went wide. 'And yes. It is your husband's.' She glanced at Miranda who still just looked at her. 'I don't know what to do but I won't kill this child. I'll leave you to think what you want from us. I love you but I can't make you love this child. It is Stephen’s. When your divorce is final.. If you want us.. Just came and get us.'
The car slowed down getting to it’s full stop. Miranda put her glasses on and smiled her fake smile. Andy got up too but stayed behind. She saw her love walking away and she turned her back to her. She started to walk to the fountain. Her phone rang and she just watched it ringing. It was Miranda. I’ll see you when you see me.
Conclusion is next.....

genre: angst, pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, all: fiction, user: sammalkorva

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