An Unplanned Life

May 26, 2011 14:44

Title: An Unplanned Life
Author: sammalkorva 
Fandom: TDWP/au
Disclaimer: I would love to own the Devil Wears Prada, but I don't.
Pairings: Miranda/Andy
Rating: NC-17 Warning: Contains sexual abuse
Summary: I suck with summaries. So you just have to read it. Sorry.
A/N: Conteins rape and some other things. Angsty, but it has happy ending.

Beta: Wonderful flyhiwithme2 . Thank you for doing this for me.
Credits: For beautiful insix who made me believe I can do this and encouraged me the whole way.. Thank you.

This is my first ever written story in english. So I really would like to know what you guys think about this..

Thank you for all of your comments.. it is much appreciated. :)

Chapter 6

Miranda didn't want her near her. She barely talked to her. Like she said, it was over before it had even begun. Everything was about work. What had happened between them started to feel like a dream. Maybe it had been and she just had a fantasy about her boss.

One night Andy was exhausted when she arrived at Miranda’s townhouse. She was glad when she didn't have to go with them to some stupid party. Emily had been impatient and excited all day long, talking about THE party and how much better she was than Andy because Miranda wanted her and not Andy. Stupid. Well, it was important to Emily to feel that way.

She had to walk home. Miranda had called Roy as he was driving them to the townhouse demanding that he come to take her home. Andy was just about to leave when she heard,

“Well well well, if it isn't Miranda’s personal lapdog.” Stephen came down from a second landing.

”Good evening, Mr Tomlison. How can I help you?” She hated the man, but for Miranda’s sake she wanted to be polite.
“Tell me,” Stephen Put his glass down, smelling of whiskey and cigars. “You organize her schedule. Why is it that you don't find any time for me in it?”

“Miranda is a very busy woman. She makes her own schedule. I just do what she tells me to.”

Stephen hit the table knocking over his glass. “You organize it! It is your fault as much as it is hers.”

“I'm… I'm sorry… ” she looked at her hands.  “I have to go.”
She began to panic.
“No you don't!” Stephen grabbed her by the elbow and pushed her against the wall. She could smell alcohol and cigar on his breath. She was scared to say anything; she felt tears forming in her eyes. “You are her assistant. That means you represent her. If she won’t give me any time then I'll take it from you.”

Tears rolled down her cheeks. ”Please don't!” she whispered. She couldn’t believe after where she had been in her life that this was happening in here in her own backyard.

Stephen licked her face. “You taste so good.” When he started to grope her breasts she tried to get away. He was so strong and pulled her back. He hit her so hard that she cracked her lower lip. She could taste her own blood. She felt dizzy and disoriented. Stephen was pulling her by her hair; it hurt like hell. But soon she found herself in Miranda’s study. Laying in the middle of the floor, Stephen was on her, grabbing and biting. She felt his hard dick on her leg. She tried hiting and scartching, kicking. The man had it and hit her once more knocking her unconscious for a second or two she didn't know. Even though she tried to fight back, she knew in her heart that she had lost this fight. Her body gave up slowly and unwillingly, but she couldn't fight this man. He was too strong to fight off.

Shock settled in and she just let it happen. She felt him enter her... it hurt like hell and she could feel every move he made. Hear every sound he made. She just lay there, feeling hopeless, in pain and still nothing.

Stephen passed out few minutes later next to her, mumbling something about how hot she was. Andy was scared to move but she had to. Get out, get out, get out, she was repeating to herself. She got up and looked at her clothes, they had looked good on her this morning now they were ripped and wrinkled. She didn't feel anything when she stepped out and started to walk to nearest subway stop. Cold wind blew but still nothing.

She knew that she needed to report this to the police, but she couldn't. She didn't want to hurt Miranda. Who would believe her anyway? He was a big shot and Miranda’s husband. She was nothing.
She got home and undressed herself; she couldn't look at the mirror. She felt ugly and stupid... Andy turned the shower on and ran her fingers against her broken skin. Carpet buns stinging like hell, cuts, and bruises started to ache more. She fell down crying, finally letting it out. She had been so helpless.
Miranda saw Andy just leaving her house. She didn't know why the girl had still been there. She got in and went to her study. She found Stephen on the floor, pants down to the middle his legs. 'Oh that’s why Andrea was here.' She couldn't believe the girl had the nerve to do this to her. Fuck her husband! While she wasn't home. How long has this been going on? She wanted to shake the man awake and demand answers, but she was too angry. She took her laptop and left to for her bedroom locking her door. Luckily the twins were at their father's.
Miranda spent over two hours over the book and then she started to go over her email. Nothing what really mattered but she couldn't sleep. She wanted to know why.. Stephen tried to get inside but gave up soon. She heard him going to guestroom.
Sleep finally took her over when she was able to breath normally.
The water got cold making Andy to get out. She didn't know how she got to her bed but she did. She felt numb but finally warm in her bed. Staring at her digital clock on table. Minutes changed. Hours changed. She just kept staring that clock. Andrea  didn't hear her phone when it rang or informed that she had a message. She was just laying down seeing nothing. She didn't hear knocking at the door or yelling behind it.

Monday morning came. She got up and had a shower. The first time in that weekend she looked at her phone. Nigel was questioning her why she had stood up on her date. She just didn't care to answer him. She was lucky that she had organized her closet and put her outfits togetter last week. She was dressing up but didn’t notice that her shirt was inside out. She didn’t care. She had a hard time covering her split lip but she managed. Her bruises on her face were easy to cover with makeup but her wrists were still blue and red. They didn’t show that much and they were easy to explain.
When she was leaving her apartment she had a hard time opening the door. She knew she didn't have any other choice than to just leave. She took  deep breath and opened the door. I can do this. She stepped out and locked her door.

It was the hardest walk of her life. Everybody looked like they knew what happened and it felt like they were disgusted about it. Like they blamed her for it. She blamed herself for it.
She got the coffee like always and went to the Elias-Clark building. Everything started to feel normal, but then came Miranda. Storm in her eyes. Hate in them evident.
That broke her. She ran to the restroom and started to vomit. There wasn’t anything in her stomach so she just gagged saliva. She started to cry and couldn’t hold it anymore... she was broken like that glass when it hits the floor. A million peaces of broken glass. It was like her soul. She heard someone calling her name but she didn’t answer.
‘Andy! please let me in!’ It was Nigel.
His voice was like a beacon to her mind and she got up. Opening the door she fell inro Nigel's arms. Nigel saw her bruises and broken lip. He took her in his arms and carried her to Miranda’s office where the only couch was.
‘Get that girl out of this office! NOW.”
‘She’s hurt Miranda. Badly hurt.” He layed down Andrea who had passed out. “Call an ambulance.”
Miranda saw her Andrea broken on her couch. She took in the woman’s appearance and noticed all those bruises. Then it hit her what Stephen had done to her Andrea.
‘Oh my God!’ It was barely whisper.
She took the woman in her arms and pushed Nigel away. ‘Go get some help.”
Nigel was standing frozen for a second and then took off.. he had to think this over when he had some time. Now wasn’t the time.
‘Please.Andrea wake up, darling.. wake up..”

Andy felt warm hand on her face. She just couldn’t see who it was.. then she realised she had to open her eyes. First she saw blue eyes like Amalia’s.
‘Amalia’ she wishpered. ‘Am I dead?’
‘No darling you aren’t. It’s Miranda.’ Miranda felt disappointed. Who was Amalia? Her new lover? Why would she think she is dead?
‘Oh.. good..’ Andrea laid her head on Miranda’s shoulder and closed her eyes.. ‘Please, don’t leave me.’
‘I wont darling..I wont.’ Miranda felt relief in her heart when that beautiful young woman asked her not to leave. She couldn’t do that. Not now.

Still sure you guys want me to continue?

pairing: andy/miranda, genre: au, all: fiction, user: sammalkorva

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