Lines: The First Offering

Apr 05, 2011 22:43

 This is just a little challenge I gave myself; Put Ipod on shuffle, fire at will, and write down the fourth line of whichever song comes up, and write a drabble based around that one line. Why the fourth line? Who knows, maybe I just like the number four. Anyways here are the first three drabbles that popped into my head as I was doing this. I plan on doing more, but I'm tired, so I'm offering you this small bit.

Pairings for these particular drabbles are Emily/Serena and Nigel/Doug. I'd say the overall rating is PG, nothing too mind warping in here.

And no, The Devil Wears Prada is still not mine...

1. Says, “boy is this for real?” (City Has No Heart-Faster Pussycat)

Word count: 105

Nigel stares intently at the young man in front of him, looking him right in those beautiful eyes.

“Doug, being my partner is not easy. I’ll probably never come home at a decent time, I’ll be called to Runway at ungodly hours, and there will be times when we want see each other at all,” he stops, thinking about how he wants this next bit to sound, “Doug, I need to know if this is real.”

Doug grabs Nigel by the collar of his Armani jacket, something that would’ve had gotten him scolded if it wasn’t for the fact that Nigel’s mouth is otherwise occupied

2. I was listening in (Listening In-The Undertones)

Word count: 155

Serena stops outside the copy room, smiling as she hears a familiar voice.

“Mum, I have to work,” she hears her friend sigh, “But yeah, everything’s as good as it can be…no mum, there isn’t a girlfriend.”

Emily was into girls? That was nice, very nice.

“Well, yeah. I mean there’s Serena…”

Serena’s stomach was doing somersaults.

“She’d never be interested in me…because she’s utterly gorgeous and she can have anyone she wants…Okay…I love you, too. Bye.”

“You know,” Serena says, stepping into the copy room, “You shouldn’t make assumptions about people

Emily’s eyes widen as Serena comes closer and closer to her, “Serena, I…I” and then, wonder of wonders, Serena is actually kissing her. A slow, deep kiss that makes both of their heads spin.

“What did you hear?” Emily asks

“Everything,” she tucks a strand of hair behind Emily’s ear, “Can you forgive me for eavesdropping?”

“I might if you kiss me again.”

3. Oh no, don’t say it’s true (Ashes to Ashes-David Bowie)

Word count: 365

Emily had suspected something when Serena had cancelled their lunch date, but she didn’t want to believe what she was seeing. There was her (supposed) lover at Smith & Wolsinksy with a man, and she looked like she was having a damn good time. Emily had to fight the urge to toss Miranda’s lunch on the floor and storm out.

“Emily,” Serena called out to her, and she sighed and decided that she may as well face the facts.

“Hello, Serena,” she chipped.

If Serena was at all taken aback, she didn’t show it. “Emily, this is my father, Miguel.” She gestured toward the man sitting across from her, who stood up.

“It’s very nice to finally meet you, Emily. Serena’s been singing your praises the whole time.”

In her haste Emily had assumed the worst, but now that she had actually gotten a good look at the man she noticed the resemblance. The high cheek bones, the blue eyes, the sandy blonde hair and the long, perfectly proportioned figures.

“But you look so young,” she blurted out.

Miguel laughed, “I’m sixty, Emily, but thank you.”

And they talked and laughed, until Emily remembered that she had Miranda’s lunch and jumped up.

After work was over, Emily and Serena were at the townhouse they shared, sitting on the couch.

“Why didn’t you tell me you were meeting your dad?” Emily asked.

“I wanted it to be a surprise,” Serena said, reaching her hand into her pocket.

“Wanted what to be a surprise?”


Emily gasped.

“My great-grandfather gave to my grandfather to propose with, and he gave to my father, and now…and now my father’s given it to me,” she said, as she looked at Emily, who’s own gaze kept shifting between her face and the ring in the palm of her hand.

“Serena, are you proposing?”

Serena laughed, “No, I just called my father in Brazil and told him that I was in love with the most amazing woman, and that if he didn’t bring this ring to me, I was coming for it, because I thought it would be fun,” she smiled, “Emily Charlton, please make me the happiest woman I know.”


rating: pg, pairing: nigel/other, all: fiction, user: jbthedelirious, pairing: emily/serena

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