Pictures of the Mind, Memories of Another Time Ch. 20

Nov 29, 2010 20:31

Shorter than I would like but I have kiddies running around but I will try to get the next chapter up once they go to bed. Happy Reading ladies. xoxo

Title: Pictures of the Mind, Memories of Another Time
Authors: Haley
Pairing: Mirandy, mention of Andrea/OMC
Rating: R
WARNING: Slight mention of sexual abuse to a child.

Summary: Takes places years after Paris. Andy doesn't remember much of her life after an accident that fateful night in Paris.. Slowly gaining her memory and moving back to America she moves forward in life and love.

Disclaimer: I only own what I own. I do not own anything related to Devil Wears Prada... except this story :) Although if i did... *le sighs*

Chapter 20:

pairing: andy/miranda, all: fiction, user: allie_livvy

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