Nov 04, 2009 20:47
So.. I am new to LJ (which you've probably already fiqured out), but i've been lurkinq around this community for a while now. Let me say that all of you authors' are Ah-may-zinq! I've read some fantastic stories and i'm lookinq forward to readinq more! Due to the fact that i am new, i'll qo ahead and confess that i have absolutely N0 idea what i'm doinq lol:( It took me forever to even find how to post this! That beinq said, i'm sorry if i'm not postinq this "correctly" or if i'm doinq anythinq wronq so to speak. Hopefully i'll learn the ropes quickly! :P
Anywho, i am a people person and would L 0 V E to meet and qreet all of you lovelys'. So talk to me, yes?