DW :: Relief [Romana | G]

Oct 01, 2006 17:28

{Title} Relief
{Character/Pairing} Romana
{Rating} G
{Word Count} 113
{Prompt} Middles

The middle, Romana decided was just a half-point. The void between what she should do and what she wanted to do. Overall, she had very little patience for middles.

There was a good reason for it. The fun and interesting existed in the extremes, at the points where normal people didn’t dare to tread. She wanted to be on one edge, living a life of pure blissful freedom, however that was not what she was meant to be. Not who she was.

She was the girl on the glass throne. To be in the middle, would be a relief, actually it’d be the greatest thing in the universe.

It wasn’t meant to be.

type: challenge, fandom: doctor who, rating: g, fic: vignette/drabble

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