I'm baaaaack :D

Nov 19, 2010 15:56

I blame my absence on Stephen Fry, who got me to listen to the HP audiobooks. Not only was that 125 hours of listening, but then I had to go and get addicted to HP fic. I can't even try to tell you how bad this obsession is, but I've never been this much behind on my TV shows. NEVER. I think I just stopped doing everything else. Well, at least I'm almost back to normal now.

I don't really have much new to offer, but I do have a whole bunch of unposted stuff that's mostly old...

What hides behind the veil:
29 icons, mostly for whedonland
a school assignment
unposted picspams from ages ago (DS, Harper's, Cali)
and some puppy love

Land communities are so very awesome :D








Got an assignment, it said I should put random things on that picture of Golden Gate Bridge and make it look real. Obviously I had to go with fandom related things.
PS The full mooon has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I couldn't include Sirius without including Moony to XD
PPS Super!Hugh is super.
PPPS click to enlarge

the second assignment was to do a retouch of someone. Unfortunately I had spent too much time on part one of the assignment and barely got enough time to finish this :( I like his nose, forehead and eyes. The rest was done way too quickly.

Click to enlarge and give them time to load. The Harper's Island one is massive.

I have another californication picspam, which I'm actually working on and planning to finish one day, that one will not be posted yet.

Cobain's guitar <3333

ds_contest had a contest a while ago that was "pulling faces", I didn't enter it, but it did inspire me to make a picspam. That I never posted, because well it's really only a part of a picspam since I never did all the episodes. Once again, click to enlarge.
Mountie on the bounty:

Mountie and soul:

easy money:

dead guy running

call of the wild

burning down the house

Bounty hunter


and finally my current wallpaper :DDD I LOVE THEM SO MUCH (not really in the movie, but whatever). I realised that I've shipped them ever since I was a kid, without even knowing it. How can you even ship someone without knowing it??? gaahhhh.

icons: angel, a tag for things i don't have a tag for, icons: firefly, wallpapers, picspam

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