TV meme Day 14 + some other stuff

Jul 10, 2010 23:54

Great game today! :D Games like these is why I love football, exciting and squeeworthy. Congrats to all the Germans on my flist.

Tried the pilot of Stargate Universe today, which was not great. Watchable, but nothing special really. Hadn't heard great things about it, so I guess I wasn't expecting more. I'll keep watching, but slowly.
Finished That 70s Show season 7. The finale felt more like a series finale than season finale. Weird. The later seasons haven't been nearly as good as the first few :(
Also caught up with Doctor Who, mostly yesterday though, only saw the finale today. Loved the season! Great storylines and I love Amy :) I'm hoping Eleven won't last for more than a few seasons, I even liked Nine more :( BUT OMG DOCTOR WHO FINALES ARE THE BEST AREN'T THEY? and the Van Gogh episode! So good.
Caprica is next. other words, I'm having one of those periods again where I watch insanly much television :D I love it, because it means I'm never bored. The surprising thing is that I've actually had time to watch a lot of TV and go out, yay! Summer rocks :D

I might also add that I made 73 icons today of True Blood and House :)

TV meme Day 14 - Favorite male character
I'll go with two characters, who are a bit alike and my reasons for loving them are also pretty much the same. Angel and Mal. I highly doubt I will ever find any characters I will love more. Joss Whedon has written a lot of my favorite characters, and the combination of his writing and one of my favorite actors is something so rare and amazing. And with favorite actors I mean obsessions I've had before that have been at least as bad as my Callum obsession. Ahem.

I think I love these characters because they are an inspiration to me. That no matter how bad I have it, they have it worse, they have lost more and they are still so strong and keep on living and fighting. Pretty sad really.
I love the darker aspects to both characters, and yet they have such a strong moral code and do anything to protect the ones they love. I'm also in love with their occasional sillyness.

tv: angel, tvmeme, tv: buffy, tv: firefly

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