May 14, 2005 12:19
So last night after i got back to NB from working til 7 i met up with some people at Applebee's. These people being Kristy, Bri, Stephie, Nelly, and her boyfriend, danny. well that was a good dinner and we were SUPPOSED to go to a movie afterwards, but since dinner started a bit late we didn't get out until 945ish and at the budget all of the movie have already started so we said okay lets do something else.
...Well fate has it that brian's cousin matt called to get him to come out to a party. so he asked us if we wanted to come. well, stephie wanted to go home, kristy had to work 3rd shift, janel's boyfriend wouldn't have been able to stay out all night so they left, so brian and i went to matt's apartment. Well by the time we got there, Ben had just woken up so him and mike still had to make their way over from 27th and grange. so me, matt, and bri just sat around talking. well i found out some interesting things about our friend mike and how he's playing his dad for a lot of money and how he is a compulsive liar and he wonders why all the bad stuff happens to him??... well it's because he's a very untruthful person and "he sucks at life" as ben says. so that was an interesting conversation. Then about a half hour later we walked outside to hop into mike's car as they came up and we drove to a party past MSOE. it was a KHK party and we all got lei'd and i got in free, becuase i'm a LADAY!!! lol, but it was humid as fuck down there, i mean holy crap!! and there were chicks dancing but let me tell you.. they were not worth the look! honestly. so brian, matt, ben, mike, and i just stood around drinking, laughing, dancing, and what not. it was a good time but it got old in about an hour. so we were waiting for matt's friend allysa i think her name was to go to another party at the Comstock building.. so we drove over there, she and her friends walked. by the time we got to that house, the beer was gone so we turned around and went back to our car. then we heard there was a foam party. on our way, i really had o go to the bathroom and the guys already went because all they needed was a building to piss on. and they told me to do it too, and i'm like no, i'd piss on myself, lol. so we drove to pizza shuttle, and omg, no wonder i always get delivery, that place is soo run down looks like hardee's post destruction and smells like chuck'e'cheese. so after that we drove to mcdicks to get a little something in us other than beer. after that we drove around to try to find a parking place for the Triangle party. (Triangle is the frat i guess). so then we parked in an unauthorized spot becuase it was friday night, no one is going to care. so we go in and party, there's foam all over the place, chicks running around in bikinis, frats boys sliding in there. it was good. so we were there for about 2 hours maybe a little more. i was in and out of the foam, coming out to cover the guys with some. but the thing that the foam was coming out of looked like a pussy, lol. so the guys kept on putting their heads in the opening. so we left there and i was soaked, so were my suede slippers, but that's okay, they are drying out right now. so we get out to the car, mike realizes he doesn't have his jacket...keep in mind earlier in the night i asked him where his jacket was and he said in the corner, and i asked if he was surehis jacket was safe there and he assured me yes.. soo fast forward. mike runs back in to grab his jacket and realizes, oh shit, where the hell is my jacket because it had his keys in there to his car, apartment, and whatever else he owns, which isn't much. so we all go back in there and search everything, no jacket, no keys and we searched for a good half hour basement and first floor because we didn't go anywhere else. no luck, so ben thinks to move thecar somewhere else so it doesn't get towed because of the parking spot we were in. we find mike's tool box because i called all the guys i knew that knew everything about cars. so i got a hold of eric and he said look for a 13 1/3 inch wrench. well in mike's toolbox, there were no tools. there was, however, some porn, a ruber shark, tape measure, and something else i can't remember. so we couldn't find a wrench in hte tool box but we found a level in the trunk so we started searching in this trashed trunk. we found one of ben's blankets in there, ben's bat, a lot of clothes, when i searched i found mike's boxers.. so i stopped looking. ben broke through mike duct-taped little window to get into the car so that we could accomplish all this.. if you were wondering. and mike was more pissed about the window than the car itself, i don't get that kid...
so after all that we jsut started walking, and this house was about three blocks east of the farwell-brady intersection and we were gonna walk all the way back to matt's apartment which is on wells-water street. so we started walking, stopped at a walgreens to grab some more refreshments and so mike could get some cigs becuase he can't live without them. so we start walking, i'm using mike's blanket because i'm soaked and the weather wasn't bad but it would have been worse since i was the only one drenched in bubbles, lol. so we walked for about 45 minutes to an hour. brian and ben start to have power walking races... they looked like retards doing this and matt tried but he just fell over. and of course, mike was bitching the whole time! as usual. haha he was even trying to start a fight with matt because we were fucking with him and he's all moody becuase he's a dumbass. so we finally get back about 415ish and me and bri decide to drive home. so he dropped me off at applebee's because i left my car there and so i drive back to campus becuase i have to work 11-8. so that was our night. very interesting. oh yeah, joe, mihalek, and moella were calling to come out and party too, but they would have gotten there too late so they went to a party in NB. so i finally got back home at 5, it was getting light out and i almost fell asleep driving back to campus. oops.
so when i got back i popped in a DVD and passed out til 10 when joe woke me up and i had to get ready for work but i already have 35 hours for the week and if i work the whole shift i would be over and they don't do overtime. so i tried calling in for my 11-2 shift but i ended up coming in at 11:30 anyway. so i was going through tickets to see what technologically challenged people have done now to make our job more difficult, lol. so i come across a ticket that i've dealt with plenty of times. well later on in the journals (where we write memos to a problem or e-mails that were sent to this client) well my supervisor writes in basically saying the way i dealt with the ticket shows laziness and no effort and lack of information. my supervisor he's the one that most people don't like and say he's an asshole.. i wouldn't go that far, but ehh. so i wrote back with the info i already knew bt reviews are coming up, so oh my god this might suck. well that was my night, hahaha definitely a great weekend. this coming week there are supposed to be some parties for birthdays, emancipation party, and an end of school party. so i think this summer has a good start. alright, well i'm supposed to be working and i get off at around 420ish bcuase then i'll be at a few minutes less than 40 hours. so back to the tickets.. lol, tell me if you'd like a night like that.. becuase with mike, i'm sure it will happen again!