May 13, 2005 17:47
Last night was good, just chillin with Caitlin and Julie. Chris came over eventually, and then Tim (Julie's friend from WAC). It was interesting, i passed out earlier than everyone else because yesterday morning i just worked 3rd shift and stayed til 11 to help out because there was no one in help desk after my 12-8 shift. Thank god i did stay, it got busy. so i had about 2 hours of sleep in me by the time i swallowed my first drink for the night. finally woke up at about 11 am ran home to grab some money then dropped off caitlin. now i'm at work at my fabulous job. but it looks like i'm living in East Tower next year because it took us too long to finally decide on an apartment after we cancelled at Yankee Hill Apartments. Thats okay though, i wont have to worry about paying for anything for another year. tonight looks like i'm going to Applebee's with Bri, Katie, Nik, Moella, Mihalek(if he's back by then), Kucan, Kristy, Phil, Ninjus and then to Budget for a movie or something. maybe to the park, lol. Either way, it will be a good night back.
So i have 3 exams on Monday and then i'm done with my first year of college, a lot better than Dan :-D
So i've jsut been studying during work for Art history, Anatomy and Spanish. The other classes are already done.. thank god!
Next year i have mostly clinical lab science classes with Alex and Sarah. N then more spanish and then my last English class and another happy hour with Beverly Belfer, .. caitlin, you know you're jealous, lol.
Honestly, for those with culture, take an art history class, many of the features and the history that comes with it.. i loved it, grant it i fell asleep in class some of the time, i was always there or my discussions went over more in-depth about it. I learned a lot and taking another art history class sounds good to me.
So things with mom are better because she's happy that i'm in the dorms again becuase then its worry-free when it comes to money because my mom is a penny pincher especially when it comes to seeing the doctor. in order to see a dentist i had to go through my dad behind her back. i haven't gotten my eyes checked out for almost 10 or more years and since i have a lazy eye and what not, it probably isn't too good because it hurts to look at things closely. i should probably get that checked out. i have to do a lot of things but since my mom doesn't want to pay for a doctors bill or even let me, i have plenty of things wrong with me but i can't do anything about it. this weekend my nephews are staying over becuase my brother and jenny have a wedding in chicago. so my mom is all excited because she acts like a little kid whenever she's around hayden and dylan.
So corey is back at home becuase of work relocation, and it's funny becuase when he moved out he got a king-size waterbed... well his bedroom is about the size of a king-size bed so he about a 1-5 foot rectangle to walk in his room. the bed touches 3 walls and his fish tank has to be outside of his room. he'd be better off in my room, but my dad wont let him and that would involve my mom actually having to get rid of my porcelain dolls... damn. Along with everything else she hasn't let me take out of my room, not to mention that she plans on taking my bed for herself and i'd get corey's old twin-size bed..... interesting, really.
this summer should be great. I have plans with the guys to go trippin somewhere for a week or less, vacation to eagle river in july with my family and lee anne and maybe bri. Going to Michigan with Kristy to visit her dad and her brother i guess. a bunch of other things going on. Grant it, i have summer classes because i want to get some credits out of the way. so i'm taking intro to philosophy, intro to conflict resolution and another english class. Kind of retarded but i wanted something that i'd learn from and be able to use later.
as far as where i'm living during the summer.. i'm not too sure because i don't want to live at my parents house anymore because i just feel like an unwanted guest at times because mom has permanent PMS. otherwise kristy said i could stay with her in her living room for the summer, lol. at whatever apartment she decides on, or i'm also waiting on Kyle to find out from his new roommates if one would be willing to sub-lease for the summer. i want to live in milwaukee because 1. i work on campus 2. i have classes in milwaukee 3. the gas prices are a bitch 4. and what used to be is just unbearable, besides my puppy but she's about to go too. So we'll see what happens there.
I'm out of random things to talk about so i'll leave my day there.