Oct 01, 2007 20:59
I've been spending friggin forever on Resoc. It'll definitely be done by Friday. The question is, though, will it be done well? I've been grappling with these "is it character-driven" type questions about my own writing lately. I like to think my story's character-driven. But trust me: my story will be done by Friday and it will not disappoint. And I shall get a good mark on it too.
Today's English class on deconstruction was mildly traumatizing, in that afterwards, I felt like I had no identity.
Hey, I went out twice this weekend and only spend five dollars. Do you hear? Five dollars! Well, actually, the economist would disagree, for I was able to get drunk Friday night only because I discovered a secret stash of booze I made and then forget about two weeks ago. My townies and I went to Sex-hair Sarah's house party-- it was her birthday. There was lots of dancing in her living room, but these lame guys kept changing the songs. One of them called Asta a retard too. Not very nice.
The next night, I only had one beer, and that was what accounted for the illusion of my spending only five dollars.
Meanwhile, my Mom went and did Run For the Cure in Toronto. It was for her cousin Laurie, who recently succumbed to cancer.
I'm totally feeling homesick right now. I want my Mommy and Daddy and all my friends back home. And you know who I miss? Keith! What has he been up to? I think I posted on his Facebook a while back, but I don't think he speaks that language. Oh well. Supposedly, everyone's getting together on Saturday evening for some chill. At Tarra's.
All right. Time to get back to writing. Seriously. I will be done Resoc soon, and it will kick some literary critic ass.
P.S. Some Greek wisdom:
ό ίπποποτάμος έν τω ανθροπω χορευει
mom n' dad,