Apr 13, 2011 07:58
A few things of fun have happened in the last couple weeks...
First, my decision to not suck at fighting has paid off. I've now entered and won three tournaments: QRC, BRC and Barmaid's Tavern Tournament. None of them have been "pure" formats, especially the last. It was 5 rounds of "last man standing", which I won one of. The sixth round was run where each victor of the 5 got weapons of choice; everyone else started with no weapons and had to go after the few improvised devices in the bar. So I took Case, as is my preference. Lay on gets called and my wife's near me. The conversation went a little like this:
W: "My love, would you care to fight for me?"
P: "Uhm... I don't have a sword."
W: "Well, I seem to have an 'extra'." *proffer*
P: "Okay, let's do this."
We... are deadly when paired. We really know how to work together. The room was cleared in less than a minute and then we turned on the other. She got me with a cup shot. I probably could have pulled a double, but it would have made he shot land much more uncomfortably.
"Off-hand wife" for the win. That tournament has a strong history of victory through some form of skullduggery and I'm glad to keep the tradition running.
Second, Reynier recently moved and didn't have room for his dining room table. Originally we were just going to store it for him, but after a bit we just gave him cash and bought it. We threw out the poor coffee table we'd been using as a dining table. It had gotten sad. It had years and years of wear, all the throw pillows we sat at had died, and the thing had even been hit by a car...
But the 3'x3' space it had been occupying didn't work for the 6'x4' table that replaced it. So we (I) spent a Saturday completely reorganizing the front room of the house. Got rid of the dying old entertainment center that was seconding as a sewing table, moved all the furniture, redid the computer, put up a new shelf... it was a long day. The final result was worth it though. Had a few friends over after Barmaids and got several compliments on it. Now I just need to replace the ratty old couch, the dying blinds... Yeah, it never ends.
Third, I turned in my two week notice to Campus Health on Monday. A friend of mine got a call a couple weeks ago from her niece. Said niece works HR and asked, "Do you know any Healthcare IT people that might be looking for a new job?" Yeah... So I turned in a resume on Monday, was chatting possible salaries by Wednesday, had an interview on Thursday and a job offer on Friday.
I'll be starting at Pima Heart as their Electronic Health Record Application Specialist, Senior on the 25th. It means a 53% raise in salary, similar benefits, and having to work for a living again. :-p There's also been little side perks like a free cell phone. They usually just port someone's number over to the corporate plan. But when they found out that I shared with Sara, they ordered me my own phone, made sure it was on the same plan as Sara, got me a 22% corporate discount for Sara's line, and wanted to know if I'd be okay with only the $450 phone with 4G service. (Originally they'd offered the $600 brand new hotness, but recanted when they were out of stock.)
I'm really looking forward to this new job. It does mean I'll be in the "real world" and that they'll actually expect results or something. But it also means that I might be able to pay some student loans, save some money, and perhaps even take a real vacation some time...
Additionally, they're looking to hire a second position too. And it just so happens that I have a friend back East that I'd like to sucker into moving to Tucson. We'll have to see how that goes...
So life is pretty good right now. There's changes in the air. Hail Tzneetch, or something. It's a little nerve-wracking, but better than stagnation...