Jul 28, 2004 10:57
Well, yesterday I did my Reiki 1 course and got my attunment! Im so excited! I've been dealing w/ bipolar disorder for too damn long and nothing seems to help me. Then one day a few months back, it dawned on me! I was searching online for natural healing type of things, mostly out of boredom, when I stumbled upon a Reiki page. I started reading and it totally made sense to me. Energy! I need positive energy! My chakras are fucked!
So Ive spent the past couple of months reading intensly on the subject and other energy healing methods and trying to dig up a teacher here in St. Louis. About 2 weeks ago I found one, or 2 to be precise(they are husband and wife). Set up a class with them!
The first 20-30 minutes they gave me the lo-down on the history of Reiki(which I already knew from my reading, but it was good to hear from an actual mouth as opposed to a computer screen or book). Then we did the attunment, which is a ritual performed by them that channels the energy to me so I can actually use it. Reiki energy is everywhere and everyone has the ability to use it, you just have to be opened up to it. The attunement lasted probably 5-10 minutes at the most. I didnt really feel anything different during or after like some people say they did, so I was kinda dissapointed, but I was soon proved otherwise :).
After the attunement, we talked some more and they told me about the details of energy, the positive and negative balances and my main point of interest, the chakras! This for me is when the Reiki REALLY kicked in! After discussing each chakra and it's relation to your body-physically, mentally, and emotionally, it was time to use it on myself to align my own chakras. So I do what I have to do to turn on the energy and I start with my crown chakra (top of my head). Within seconds, my hands started to get warmer and warmer to the point of almost hot! But the warmth was internal, like if you were to touch my hands they would be normal body temperature! The I got this weird-very pronounced, but not painful, tingling all through my right leg starting about my hip and ending towards my knee! I guess I need to do some work there to see what's up. Anyway, that was pretty much my proof. :)
After I did all my own chakras, I gave some Reiki to Kay-the female instructor. Once again my hands got REALLY hot! That was kinda cool. That's really about it! I have a certificate that says I completed the Reiki 1 course. I can actually practise on people now. I could even charge at this point! Im not though, especially not yet! I need to work with it more and strengthen my ability first. Im not that confident yet!..lol.
Im so glad I did this. For the first time in my life I've actually gone through with something I really want to do instead of just sitting around and going "I wish I could do this". I cant explain it. When I "found" Reiki, something inside said "Im going to do this and nothing is going to stop me!". This was a very big step for me. Depression sucks! In more ways than 1! It sucks away your ambition. It sucks away your motivation. It sucks away your life. For the first time in years I feel like I can breate alot easier. My confidence level skyrocketed!
Hopefully in about a month or 2 I will feel ready to take on the second level (there's 3). Then I can tackle more the mental and emotional aspects with Reiki. The first level concentrates more on the physical. Im really looking forward to that. Ill also learn how to send Reiki from a distance! Ok Im done now! I just had to share!