(no subject)

Mar 23, 2005 02:44

Well I havent updated in a while so I figured let me update and actually post a somewhat serious non-joke post.

Well today was a pretty good day, school kind of sucked but work wasn’t too bad. I worked…more like “stood” in concession. I didn’t have time to bring lunch with me but lucky rescue wasn’t afar with a P.B.J sandwich which tasted really good but resembled immensely the taste of floor...hmm i am boggled as to why lol. Well im home now and what do you know I came across Spiderbabe on Cinemax what are the odds. Is it me or does the girl Patricia Porker(Spiderbabe) look a lot like Avril Levine? She looks really familiar too and I finally figured out why, I saw her in “Play-mate of the Apes” she was Commander Gaylor. It is "indeed" a funny movie none the less. Well back to beer drinking and watching the end of the movie...I wonder how this spoof will end?!

Oh I get it now Patricia Porker…..Peter Parker, Daily Bunghole....Daily Bugle hahah!

How many men does it take to open a beer?
None. (It should be opened by the time she brings it to the couch.)

ahhh..what...whose chauvinistic? me?
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