So. I'm trying to map out the rest of the month so that I can deal with my stress one day at a time. Make sense? Maybe only to me....
May 3: Go to baseball game with sister. 6:40. We're playing the Giants. Those asses.
May 4: AP Statistics exam. Starts at 11:45. eeeep.
May 7-8: Studay for AP Chem. Study sessions with fellow caffeine addicts.
May 10: AP Chemistry exam. Starts at 7:45. somebody shoot me.
May 11: Maroon 5 concert with Alex. Probably the next time I see him.
May 13: Uncle Jim (who I haven't seen in.... 2 years) arrives.
May 14: Mother wants to have a graduation party since Jim will be in town and she wants Alex there, too....
bmw_luvr we have things to talk about regarding certain events this month... *pending*
May 16-18: Frantically study for Humanities. I need a B on the final to keep a B in the class. If I get an A on it an A might be possible, but I'm pretty much giving up on that.
May 19: Take Humanities final.
May 20: Last day of school, but I don't think I'm going. I'm pretty sure I'm exempting my economics final..... *pending*
May 22: Party in Tucson for Elise's graduation. It's a Sunday, but I may be down before then...
bmw_luvr, I guess it depends on when you leave, but I would love to take you.
May 23-24: Assorted meetings for seniors regarding graduation.
May 25: Graduation and grad night at Disneyland until May 26
May 31: Day 1 of University of Arizona orientation for the Honors College.
...and now I'm off to download my passport application...