Never got around to doing this, but better late than never! I'll be changing the layout in the next month or two and then shortly thereafter I'll be posting the sign-up sheet (with some adjusted rules). See ya then!
Just Perfect (653 words) by
ami_ven -- [G: Humor, Romance]
Untitled (760 words) by
justdreaming88 -- [PG-13: Romance]
Timeout Time (1521 words) by
dannysgirlsg1 -- [PG: Romance, Angst]
Baby It's Cold Outside (2159 words) by
kellethmetheus -- [PG: Romance]
On the First Day (~10k words) by
hariboo_smirks -- [PG: Romance, Angst]
Red Checkered Blanket (1515 words) by
sweetiemissy -- [G: Humor]
Sticky Fingers (5176 words) by
mariewynn -- [PG-13: Humor, Romance]
Rules For Survival (9500 words) by
natalia5345 -- [PG: Angst]
Skin Hunger (4400 words) by
shakespherical -- [NC-17: Angst]
Ambrosius (~15k words) by
cleothemuse -- [PG-13: Action/Adventure, Pre-Romance]
From the Start (518 words) by
kellethmetheus -- [PG: Angst, Romance]
A Remote Location (2818 words) by
campylobacter -- [NC-17: Romance]
(2)Wallpapers + (8)Icons + (2)Gifs by
everythingshiny (1)Wallpaper + (5)Icons by
rachelgrizott (20)Icons by
justdreaming88 (1)Header + (3)Icons by
orbinglight (2)Wallpapers by
magnavox_23 (1)Wallpaper by
colls (1)Collage by
shakespherical (2)Manips + (1)Wallpaper + (4)Icons by
scifi_tv_addict (1)Wallpaper by
scifi_tv_addict VIDEOS
Can't Hurry Love (by The Dixie Chicks) by
everythingshiny -- [G: Romance, Humor]
Ride (by Cary Brothers) by
mfirefly10 -- [G: Romance]
I Just Wanna... (by unknown) by
colls -- [PG: Fluff]
Waiting For You to Let Me In (by Ellie Goulding) by
lonekitty -- [PG: Angst]
Fever (by Adam Lambert) by
milena_d -- [PG-13: Humor]
Dotted Lines (by Sweet Talk Radio) by
scifi_tv_addict -- [PG: Angst, Romance]
Somewhere/Someday (Fanmix) by
magnavox_23 Just Out of Reach (Fanmix} by