Inspired by the brave, noble actions of Sean Penn and the other fine celebrities, I've decided to join in a similar way to support Cindy Sheehan. Now, I'm no star, but sure, I can do my part. They have agreed to go on a "rolling fast" along with 3,000 other activists which involves fasting for 24 hours and then passing on the fast to the next brave activist.
I suggest something nearly as daring, yet by no means any less sacrificial. I challenge (that's right CHALLENGE!) all of my brave LJ friends to follow my lead in the new 5 hour rolling fast. I'm starting mine right now. I just ate an apple a few minutes ago, but to show my unwavering loyalty to the issue, I will refuse to feed myself anything until lunch time! That's right! 5 hours from now! Now, I don't know which of you brave young men or women will join in my cause, but I CHALLENGE someone, anyone, out there to take up the next spot in my 5 hour rolling fast. Sean Penn and all those other top notch activists must be heard. Use their pain and their 24 hours of hunger as motivation to join me in this shocking protest.