(no subject)

Aug 11, 2009 02:07

woooow. Lj! Long time no see... I actually feel kind of bad... And I don't even have a good explanation, I just disappeared. wow. Random.
And now I'm just going to start a rant about True Blood like I haven't been gone.

I JUST WATCH THE 8TH EPISODE AND DAMN. Godric and Eric just made it to my VIWT-list (Vampires I Would Tap). Seriously! Who can say no to this:

HAHAHAHA. AWESOMNESS ON A STICK!!!!  GODRIC> EDWARD   ANY DAY! <3 and I love his accent! I literally had to watch the episode thrice to make out all his words. AND IT WAS TOTALLY WORTH IT!

Oh! and Eric! Oh Eriiic you're soooo fiiiiiiiiiine!

School boy ERIC! hahahah.

THIS WAS THE BEST EPISODE EVER! It had so much awesomness. Tonight I'm going to have and awesome dream about Godric, and no more Voldemort forcing me to slice his bread -.- It wasn't even in a good way, it was just me slicing all his bread like a slave or something. But anyways GODRIC! I'm going to write an awesome fanfic about him <3 Because I'm almost certain he's going to die in the next episode or something. Honestly, people have no respect for awesomeness :/ I'm going to love him while I can

and now fav quote!

Sookie: (Speaking about Godric) He's your maker isn't he?
Eric: Don't use words you don't understand.
Sookie: You have a lot of love for him.
Eric: Don't use words I don't understand. 
(Note to self: find True Blood icons.)

And now I'm off to bed, work tomorrow.

tv, true blood, fangirl

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