And now he drags down, miles in Norway!

Jun 29, 2008 21:43

I got back from Hove on Friday, job Saturday and today I've done nothing productive at all xD well, I've deleted everything on my computer and right now I'm starting from scratch again... =/

Tuesday was the most amazing day EVER! The first (and hopefully not last) time I saw Panic At The Disco, LIVE!!!! :D :D :D
Fuck all the reviews about them not being a good enough headliner! IT WAS AMAZING!!! I can now die happy! :D

I was jumping up and down like an idiot before the show. And Iselin (
followtheradio) and I made this totally awesome *cough* flower crown thingy (dude, I don't know what it's call in English *headdesk*) before the show! :D We wore it almost all day, and when Panic finally came on stage, the flowers were pretty dead :( but it was still awesome xD

and the whole Norwegian flag thing! Ryan was like SMILING!!! :D :D But the girls upfront of me who kept complaining that they wanted to see Avenged sevenfold (they were playing around the time Panic were) and how they hadn't listened to Pretty. Odd. Because it sucked, just pissed me off! Dude, seriously! They should have moved so that we, the fans that had actually listened to the new album (and loved it) could stay in the front!

Right now I'm just really jealous at the girls who got to meet Panic backstage and hang with the on the beach =/ but you can't have it all, I guess :P

You can find the whole video thingy everywhere on PATD lj, so I won't even bother to post the link. And my friend have all the pictures, so I'll post some when I have some xD

Oh and this is just too funny/creepy to leave out! After the concert, we saw the vocalist to the Kooks (Luke) and well... We wanted a picture :P so we ended up following him, like the creepy stalkers we really are, to this place where they were selling hot dogs. None of us wanted to ambush him while he was eating, because we're not all animals, but we ended up doing it anyway xD He agreed and on the picture you can see the half eaten hot dog! xD hahah.

but that's not the funny/creepy part. He were with some blond, long legged, Norwegian girls. Whores, Madeleine (
maddiieedb) called them xD According to this news article I found yesterday, he was caught having sex under the panic concert, probably with one of the girls... Hahhahahaha. An anonymous source had seen a white ass moving up and down xD and when asked if she was sure about what she had seen, she just commented that those curls couldn't be mistaken xD Apparently, someone had tried to stop them but Luke had just said, and I quote “I’m just doing my thing”.

My friend found this creepy, since this mean we met him just afterward. I found this hilarious! hahahaha! Honestly! :P

I miss Hove! I'm so going back next year :D It was just great and I finally got to meet Iselin :D


patd, panic at the disco, luke pritchard, ryan ross, the kooks, norway, hovefestival

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