Oct 08, 2005 15:51
Acclimation of the times
For the past-not for the future
Because the future accepts
The ideas of its time.
The sun, it sets,
No one questions its pattern
The fading glow it emits, its side effect
Does not stand for trial.
And the eyes, no one accuses,
Of seeing all that exists
In its path.
But now, in a life, in a world
Where future brightness dimmed its glow
We have come to acceptance
Of no higher power or knowledge
Than what can be produced
In our thought process.
But limited is the eye, that much established.
So limited is the mind
If we accept all we see.
The sun, its shining glory, now gone.
Its dark induced slumber
Leaves no trace of its reality.
And we don’t scoff at its truth
That it will rise the next day.
Where is the proof of ages?
Proof of time tested knowledge,
That faded into myth.
Where is the God?
A God of power and might
Whose potential danger
Of a Most High Love,
Stuns an intellectual world.
No God is real, for the life of the children.
No God is real, for the life
Of these young ones.
Acclimated the world, to believe,
In nothing higher than themselves.
Acclimated a world of highest knowledge
To believe
In nothing.
“A fool says in his heart, ‘There is no God.’” Psalms 14:1 (New Living Translation)
What is your deepest fear?
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us, it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
My friend, not a real close friend, recently aquainted, he called his fiance today. Now these two have been together for some time and this friend of mine hasnt even been gone half a year and she told him today!!! that she accidentally had sex at one of her friends parties. He was devasted, that is not something a guy needs to hear while in a combate zone, hundreds of thousands of miles away from home, family, and supposed loved ones. This world is harsh man I dont understand peoples thinking, It just plain pisses me off. Love is a joke really and if I was in a situation like that before maybe I would have lost "My Cool" But Im almost certain that now I would just laugh it off. When love and time step into the ring theres no contest time licks loves ass every time. And what a match It is not!!! Poor love is on her knees groveling before th first 15mins are up. And she doesnt take the beating well either. I hate the fruits here they taste so goddamn nasty, I just want one good plum!!! Is that soo much to ask for. And wheres the pie!!! I havent had a slice of apple pie In months, Months!!!! I havent had pie since I left for basic training. Life sucks. I bought a 10inch knife the other day real good price, i dont plan on using it ever unless to cut like paper or something, but it looks real cool. I wish I could saay more but you know what they say, A bakers dozen is only 11.