Title: Black Water Hattie (Chapter 12)
duwinterFandom: DWP
Pairings: Miranda/Andy, Emily/Serena
Rating: PG-13
Dedication: This story is dedicated to two members of our community, the Raven a.k.a.
unfortunateggs who has repeatedly asked for a sequel to my story No Swimmin. (Sorry, It started out to be, but this ain't it.) and
Mxrolkr, whose wonderful story Cerulean
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I also empathize with your struggle to "fix" your first works. I, myself, have recently started going through my I'll Follow line by line with the intention of correcting everything wrong with it (including fixing the fact that I dropped a major plot point in the last installment). After the first ten or so hours going at it hammer and tongs I had the thought that it would be easier just to rewrite the damned thing. *grin*
Please know that I not only continue to support Cerulean Blue it remains one of my absolute favorite stories that I reread often. It is also one of the ones that I recommend consistently to anyone that asks about Mirandy stories that are worth reading.
I agree with you that to date, Hattie is among my best work. As for the twist, hold on to your seat, we're right on the verge.
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