bippity boppity dud

May 17, 2012 21:55

I am exhausted, but I am also done with school and now home for the summer \o/. Today was a long day. Fell asleep at three in the morning studying and woke up at eight for reasons unbeknownst to me (props to my brain). Only managed another half hour after that and finally got out of bed at quarter after ten, which made me want to punch someone because my final was at one in the afternoon. So finished packing, took my test, and had to pack up the car. Finally managed to leave my school around 3:30. Really, the only reason I'm awake right now is because I drank a 16 oz Red Bull in the car. One three and a half car ride later, I am home. Tired and cranky, but home.

I've been floating around not really commenting on things, but finals and packing up my dorm had me in a tailspin. So, I guess things will be more normal now?? Plus, I took a solid two weeks and went into a deep, dark shame spiral induced by One Direction. (This post is the summation of my feelings on that band. They're awful. They really, really are.) I'm hoping I can now calm it down on the obsession front (lol, jokes).

I'm a solid week and a half behind on MvsW and pretty much anything in-depth hockey. I plan on lounging outside in the Sun and fixing that. And I'm late to the party on PKane, but I honestly have nothing to add because it's just a little disappointing (AND WEIRD. Kaner is really truly terrible looking. How does he have a chance with anyone, let alone find the opportunity to be a douche about it?). I'm not saying that Kaner should become the antithesis of everything that defines him, he just needs to be smarter. Or, I agree with Runs on Duncan. The end.

And for a little insight into my weird, schmoopy mind: man, when I see amnesia fic it's not even a question if I'm reading it. Merely, "OH, I SEE YOU FOUND THE RIDICULOUS KEY TO MY HEART, I'LL BE RIGHT BACK. TALK TO YOU WHEN I'M DONE." luv u 4evar amnesia fic, if I could pen sonnets to your greatness, I would.

college, grab bag of nothing, life, hockey

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