why are you dribbling a basketball at midnight??

Mar 30, 2012 00:12

Listening to MvsW from yesterday, and UGH GTFO, WSYH, CAREY PRICE ISN'T EVEN HYPOTHETICALLY GOING TO TORONTO! Except he probably wants a way out like no other from Montreal's bull shit and if the price is right (lol never gets old) on the offer sheet, who knows. Carey Price :( Habs :((( I don't care about you except for how I do. And just think of PK! Oh, the humanity! But the idea of PK and Carey in Toronto is pretty interesting... It does make sense. Hmm, get on that my favorite grumpy old man, Burkie.

Every time Oshie touches the puck in a game I boo. Why? I don't know. Something about Broshie is bothersome. Partly his playing in St. Louis, partly his flow, partly because I still firmly believe that PKane will forever be jealous of his and Tazer's broing down in college. All equal parts, I think. I also want to boo Backes, but then I remember that HE IS AN AMERICAN HERO WHO TAKES ADORABLE PICTURES WITH HIS WIFE AND DOGS. So I don't. Rational, I know.

I can't stop thinking about Patricia Kane and how great of a fic it would be! Guys, think of how completely in your face and completely awesome she would be. Like, she'd be doing body shots off of randoms in the bar, pics would end up on Dead Spin and she'd just shrug. Why does anybody care? That first girl was hot and, hey, that dude was hairless. Not gross, screw you, Sharpy. Trish sees nothing wrong with what she did, but now Tazer won't talk to her. Even her mom only used her exasperated voice when she called Trish after the story broke. Man, Tazer can't judge her. Fuck him.
Basically, their dynamics would be the complete same. Even better, it wouldn't be sexist when Trish ends up crying sometimes because PATRICK KANE CRIES A LOT (hopefully she'd try to hide it better?? Nah, the only PKane I want in my life is a complete fail of a person. Wholly and completely). A man with emotions who ain't afraid to show it! He's PKane, and he knows it! (I hope you guys got that song reference, it was pretty great.)

Hey, it's Friday tomorrow! How's your weekend going to be? I hope it will be filled with joy and rainbows, maybe unicorns if you're lucky.

I'm exhausted, I need to sleep. I can look forward to my "Circle of Life" alarm waking me up tomorrow. Legit, it makes me laughs when it goes off. Great way to start my day \o/

ETA: Sorry this post was so weird. :D?

life, hockey, failing all up in your friends list

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