[ A: early morning; 503 ricardo street; action locked to not!family. ]
[ Honestly, this wasn't like any idea of heaven - or even the afterlife in general - Minako could have thought of. But still, she's fairly sure she is dead. All the lightheadedness that day back home, and then.. she had died before she had even been able to take the surgery, even though she had finally decided to take it and live her life as 'Aino Minako' rather than 'Sailor Venus'.
But.. that still wasn't anything to regret, right? In the end she had made up her mind. She had fun, she had been able to be together with the other girls, even if it was just for a moment. That much was enough for her. She doesn't regret anything, because.. she was able to live as Aino Minako until the very end. Even if she wasn't able to fulfill the mission from the past life, she had left behind three great sailor senshi and their princess to finish it what she couldn't.
But now, this house, those pictures with these unfamiliar people.. Housemates might spot the new girl standing in the hallway, suspiciously glancing around (as if a monster could pop up anytime now) and trying to study one of the family photos on the wall. ]
[ B: late morning; record store; open action. ]
[ After receiving at least the brief summary from her not!family, Minako - suspicious and on guard as ever, perhaps even hardening up again slightly right after she opened up back home - decides to go and explore by herself, and perhaps find out a thing or two.
Her first stop is the record store, where she'll be browsing through the records in a futile attempt to find any of her own idol CDs. In fact, considering it's Mayfield's record store, she can't even find any CDs in general to start with, let alone any of her own CDs. She might even be asking some drones around the store a thing or two about the idol Aino Minako, but none of them seem to recognize the name.
If she happens to spot you there, she might use you for this purpose too. ]
Um, excuse me-- can I ask something?
[ C: afternoon; store; open action. ]
[ In the afternoon you might find Minako in a different store, in the section with stuffed animals to be exact. She's rummaging through a pile of a few white cat stuffed animals - while she clearly looks too old to still be playing with those at about fifteen years old or so. Feel free to approach her, or just stare from a distance and wonder what the heck she's doing. ]
[ D: afternoon; public phone call. ]
[ Her voice is a little blunt when she speaks up - perhaps even cold, to the point. ]
I'm sure you guys get enough of those 'I just arrived, what now?' calls to be sick of them by now, so I'll skip all of that. We can skip the formalities too to keep it brief - although for the sake of efficiency, my name is Minako, Aino Minako. [ It almost feels weird to not have such a strong connection to an idol status in this place with that name. ]
What I need to know is whether anyone knows whether some girls are here as well. Their names are Tsukino Usagi, Hino Rei, Mizuno Ami, Kino Makoto -- any of them. Or if anyone has seen a white cat stuffed animal with a crescent moon on his face randomly lying around town, that would be mine. I'd prefer to get this information as soon as possible, it's rather important.
[ There's another pause, longer this time, and when she speaks up again her voice is slightly lighter - more like the pleasant mask she uses for idol business. ]
That aside, does anyone know where to get some good strawberry cake here? Or are we even deprived of that?