[OOC] Character Profile, romdeau

Jul 16, 2009 15:35

Character Information
Name: Kira
Canon series: KIBA
Age: 20
Gender: Female
ID Number: 031KBA

Character appearance:
Kira has an even, peach complexion. Her violet eyes stand out from the rest of her facial features and are set behind thin, pentagonal glasses. Serious, narrow-lipped expressions usually cross her face, though she'll occasionally smirk in confidence or show a small but genuine smile. She doesn't wear much make up if at all, finding it excessive. Her brown hair reaches to about mid-back, but she ties it in a tight ponytail that hangs in layers and leaves two distinct bangs hanging over her forehead. Rarely is she seen letting her hair down, and the one moment she does is during a moment of insecurity. Her hair usually covers up a single quote-shaped birthmark on the back of her neck.

Every natural Shardcaster has a kind of tattoo on a part of their body from which elemental or Spirit shards are withdrawn. Kira's marking is drawn down her abdomen and circles around her navel. This is likely why her uniform doesn't cover her entire torso, but it also leaves half of her upper body unshielded.

Kira's military uniform consists of a black tank top worn underneath yellow and accented white upper body armor stopping just above her abdomen. White shoulder blades hold up a red cape that ends at waist-length. She wears a yellow, knee-length skirt over black bike shorts and purple leggings. Black gloves, white gauntlets, and white knee-high boots complete her wardrobe.

Kira keeps a single memento of her family: a gold pendant engraved with an X superimposed on an upside-down P. She wears this beneath her armor.

Kira is a no-nonsense, business-minded woman. Her identity is synonymous to her position as a captain of the Neo Knights. She devotes herself to her job above all things, with her homeland's law and government a close second. Her sense of duty hardened her emotionally so she believes feelings and sentimentalism are signs of weakness and immaturity. As a result, she tends to view situations in an objective manner and tries to prevent personal opinion from getting in the way of her missions. She expects efficiency and prompt from herself and her colleagues. When a job needs to be done, she wants it to be done properly. She isn't the most open person, but she's a dependable and trustworthy work partner. In turn, if she believes in someone, she trusts them completely and will do whatever she can to assist them in realizing their goals.

Kira can be quite proud, and it reflects in her direct speech. She is very confident in herself and considers herself a strong fighter as well as an apt strategist. Because of this, she might come across as arrogant to other people even though she doesn't really set herself on higher ground than her peers. When someone questions her abilities, however, she takes offense to their lack of faith in her competence. Such instances are among the few things that cause Kira to lose her composure. Falling in love is another, and she'll vehemently deny her feelings. In reaction to these cases, she becomes very snappish at even the smallest irritants. Often she realizes there's something troubling her when she notices herself acting this way. However, Kira is generally good at keeping a clear head.

For all her seriousness and seemingly limited emotional range, Kira harbors a lot of pensive thoughts, usually related to her clan's exile from Neotopia ten years ago. She feels guilty that she got to stay behind because of her latent Shardcasting abilities. She no longer remembers much about her life before her separation from her family, yet she can't allow herself to forget the memories of them she has left either. Kira maintains this contradictory balancing act between her allegiance to Neotopia and her past well, but even she can slip up.

Brief canon history:
In a world where nations war for supremacy, Shardcasters wield Shards of elemental power and weapons fortified by the same force. Those with a strong will command great power in the form of mystical beings called Spirits. Controlling them is why many seek the six more powerful Key Spirits, which together can bring forth the Spirit god Tusker and remake the world. Kira lived in the nation of Neotopia, which became one of the most influential nations in the Shardcasting world.

Ten years ago when Neotopia was in its infancy, a girl named Chelsia was taken from her family when her uncle broke one of Holy Father Hyrum's Absolute Laws. This resulted in her clan's exile to Ulvarx, a harsh, barren land surrounded by rough sea. Chelsia was given asylum in Neotopia for her Shardcasting abilities she could use to serve her nation. Separated from her clan, she was renamed Kira and raised under utmost adherence to Absolute Law. Gradually, Kira forgot about her clan, remembering little of the brother she cherished. Dwelling in the past was wrong. Her clan broke Hyrum's law, and sympathizing with them was treasonous. Yet she and her brother loved each other, and shutting him out of her memory dishonored their bond. She still wore their necklace. That, along with the birthmark on her neck, were evidence of her heritage.

At fifteen, she joined the Neo Knights to fulfill her military service. She was later promoted to captain and served alongside four other soldiers, one being a young foreigner named Noa who was believed to be Neotopia's savior. Kira respected Noa but questioned his rise to power and his allegiances. Aside from his foreign origin, he and a Templer Shardcaster named Zed were friends. She eventually realized she had no reason to doubt Noa since he wholeheartedly devoted himself to Absolute Law.

Hyrum invited each nation's strongest warriors to an international Shardcasters joust. Diana, the Neo Knights' general, chose her five captains to represent Neotopia. Despite Kira's confidence, another Templer representative named Roya defeated her in the first round. After her match, she helped in maintaining security. However, Neotopia's security system was breached and allowed political enemies to break in. A platoon of Ulvarxan soldiers led by Helic, a joust participant, attempted to assassinate Hyrum and later intercepted the Neo Knights bringing Zed back for an earlier offence. Diana sent Kira and Noa after them, but when they reached the Ulvarxan's hideout the Zymotian king Hugh led Tusk and Zymot to Neotopia. They returned to the capital to warn Hyrum and Diana, but the enemy forces already moved in, weakening the nation's defenses and causing numerous casualties.

Helic saw an opportunity to finish his mission, returned to Ulvarx, and stole the composite Spirit Ex Machina. When he reached Neotopia, Kira intercepted him. He summoned Ex Machina, blew Kira back with a massive energy blast, and knocked her unconscious. He went to kill her when he made a startling discovery -- they wore the same necklace and bore the same birthmark. Fate reunited brother and sister as enemies in war. He carried her to safety and tried recalling Ex Machina, but it attacked him. Helic died, and Kira came to with a vague memory of her brother, never knowing they were together for the shortest of times.

Kira followed Ex Machina's trail to the Key Spirit wielders Noa, Zed, and Hugh just before they destroyed the rampaging Spirit. Hugh turned on the other two and abducted them. Kira and Roya rescued them, and they rejoined Hyrum and Diana. By then, the war was reaching its climax. Diana deemed Hyrum unfit to rule their country, appointed herself the next monarch, and surrendered him to Hugh's forces. Neotopia's ally Templer sent over its soldiers, but the combined forces couldn't save the powerful nation from falling to Tusk.

Kira and the Neo Knights stayed to set up a refugee camp. Around that time in Tusk, Zed was consumed by the darkness and summoned Tusker. The Spirit god collapsed the barriers between the different nations and turned the Spirits against their Shardcasters. Barely surviving the war, Neotopia was too weak to retaliate. Zed soon came to his senses, separated himself and his Key Spirit from Tusker, and destroyed the Spirit god before it caused more damage.

After such violence ravaged their home, the Neotopian people could finally relax. Much reconstruction was in order to return their country to its previous splendor, but at least now they could afford the luxury to look forward to better, happier times.

In canon Raison D'etre: To uphold and defend Neotopia's Absolute Law

Romdeau History

Occupation: Security Bureau officer
Social Class: Lower middle class

Brief AU history:
Kira grew up in a warm, loving family of four. They weren't the richest people in Romdeau, but their lives were by no means difficult and it reflected in their overall happy family atmosphere. Her father worked as a lower-rung engineer in the Autorave Control Department, and her mother was a nurse at the nearest hospital. Helic, her older brother by three years, played with her all the time and looked out for his younger sister. She loved him more than any person in the world, and she couldn't imagine ever being separated from him.

She didn't have to. Life would do it for her instead.

When Kira was about nine years old, her family went on a trip to the Central Mall. They just finished dining in one of the eateries when she decided she wanted some dessert. Her parents gave her some money to pay for it and took her brother with them to wait outside. She took her time deciding what to order, and when she left to join her family she found her parents freshly dead and soaked in a pool of their own blood. It was too much for a child to bear, especially without her older brother who went missing. According to the Intelligence Bureau, they did all they could to find Helic with no luck. They and the Security Bureau were equally quiet about her parent's deaths.

Right away Kira was sent to live with distant relatives. They were kind but distant in a way, as if they treated her as a guest rather than a daughter. The first few years with them depressed her. She was well-behaved enough but had a difficult time emotionally adjusting to the mysterious loss of her family, and no one would talk to her about the circumstances of the accident. People were willing to help her through her emotional issues, but a single word about the incident already seemed too much mention. As Kira grew older, she came to believe it was best not to dwell on her loss. She only seemed to trouble her foster parents by bringing it up, and the authorities were less than helpful in solving the case. She gradually shut her past life out of her heart and memory, until she hardly remembered her family anymore.

Focusing on school, extracurricular activities, and the occasional minimum wage job helped her forget. Kira became a workaholic and wasted little time on sentimentality. She kept a few friends, but her other responsibilities took priority, and that was perfectly fine by her. One of her extracurriculars included student government, and her active participation uncovered an appreciation for the law and a desire to defend it. She graduated from high school with honors but decided to enroll in the police academy rather than continue into higher education. (Ironic, considering the Security Bureau's reluctance to release any information on her family's case.) She moved out of her foster parents' house soon after graduation and rented a studio apartment, where she continues to live on her own.

At age twenty, Kira serves proudly as an officer in the Security Bureau. She'll never tell you she works so diligently in her job to forget a life -- or two? -- she shouldn't allow herself to forget at all.

What their current Raison D'etre is: To protect the law and citizens of Romdeau
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