found some old photo's

Jan 10, 2012 13:56

We are making photo-books, while we did win some (only small pages) so Ed di buy a gadget to put a negative in and a positive to make such a book comes out on the computer.
We found also a slice of the Irish dream contest.(I did translate)
Irish dream,

Hazy blue distorts
the horizon with Mountains.
Glowing green on the
foreground drips away
the last rain.
Luchupain, with his pot of gold
pull on his rainbow.
to store it away
till the next sunny shower.
Sun reflexes in every
droplet a garden of Eden.
Horses are galloping full
of joy through a dreamlike
The border of the world
is drawn by the
steady silence of
a land without hurry.
Fragments of traditional music
do create color out of
sunlight and joy of life.

The original is in the Library of Rotterdam, with all the other winners in their archives.
The story: The big library has a readers-feast each year, and being the biggest Library in Europe, there is a lot of place, and a lot of multi-cultural writers are there besides the Dutch great ones. For the public mostly are some contests, like what reading club makes the best summary, or who does write the best poem about a special theme. That year the theme was: make a special holiday card (postcard) and send it to them.
The fashion of those days was a foldable card with a lot of photos of the city or subject, so this is what I made, having a nice holiday with my sister and niece in Ireland, and having both made poems and drawings.
Well, I got the message, I had 4th prize: a book about the library, could I come and read and got 2 entrée tickets free. (they are expensive!) So Ed and me were walking to the place, I had to read, and just before us 2 people of the library in front of us were discussing the outcome. One said: I still do not understand why that Irish card did not win. The other answered: For me it was false play, it is so good in both drawing and poem, it only can be a professional under a fake name.
Ed and me looked each other in the eyes, we started laughing loud, what got their attention, so they turned.
I only could bring out: Thank you for the compliment. Asked the lady, who told it would be a fraud, asked: Why. Than I answered, well, it was me who made this… and we walked on.
Yesterday, we were looking through old pictures, and we did find the slide, the library gave us (on request).
The originals are a bit bigger, I reduced them in a copy-shop to the right size, while in 1997 not much people did own a copy, scan and print in one device.
Here they are: a copy of the scan included. (did not work, tried again, not alas, or did it?)
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