Yes, I know I'm late, but I figured it's still allowed to say happy new year, as this is my first post of 2007 :)
I've been joining and creating fanlistings for the last 5 months or so. I own about 60 of them now and joined numerous. It's quite addictive.
I'm so proud that two of my fanlistings (
HP Lexicon and
Founders of Hogwarts) are affiliated with
The Leaky Cauldron! It's great to see my banners there. Now I can only hope more people will join *grin*
My problem is that there are so many things I like. When I see a great subject, I just have to join. And with over 45.000 fanlistings approved by (TFL), I'm sure I will join more! You know, there's even a fanlisting for "joining fanlistings" (I joined of course) rofl!
When people grow tired of the fanlistings they own, they put them up for adoption at the TFL forum, I was very fortunate to adopt some of my favs.
The thing I like most about owning a website, is creating pages. Well... I ran out of ideas for my personal site, but the fanlistings got me back on track again. It's a totally different way of creating layouts and I love it! There are so many talented people - some of the fanlisting layouts make me drool. I think I suck, but I have high hopes of getting better :p I've already learned so many new techniques in the past months, and surprised myself the other day when I checked the looks of one of my latest fanlistings and thought: Hmm, that doesn't look bad at all! :)
On a totally different matter: has anyone seen
Wicked, the musical? Or heard the music perhaps? IT IS AWESOME!! It's the story preceding to "The Wizard of Oz", or how the wicked witch became wicked - or so I'm told.
I found some clips at youtube and keep going back to watch them. Idina Menzel is... well... can't think of a better word than outstanding, but that doesn't even come close to what I mean.
I promised my eldest to take her to London in August, when she leaves school (primary? Not sure what it's called in English), and I've bought the CD so she can get used to the lyrics. Her English isn't good enough yet to understand the spoken word (even I have trouble understanding what they say on stage). But I figured that once she knows what the story is about and is familiar with the songs, I'm sure she'll have a great time.
Here are the links to youtube:
Defying GravityLondon PromoWhat is this feeling (charity performance)
One Short DayPopular Enjoy!