(no subject)

Nov 12, 2007 08:13

I've developed this terrible disease where I come home and immediately must eat any and everything in the house. This isn't entirely a new problem to me, as I usually consume about 1/2 my weight daily in food, and 1/2 in coffee. My condition has just been aggravated, and now I will eat everything. together.
Sweet chilli pepper doritos and a nice mug of coffee? Sure.
A garlic cheese spread, doritos, nutella, and grape baguette sandwich? Sounds delicious.
...I suppose mostly i'm just obsessed with these doritos.

Yesterday was winter carneval, 11e van de 11e.
It was basically the dutch version of halloween, except for scary as hell because everyone was dressed as a clown, a jester, or in a full-body chicken suit. Except for a rebellious some, who were wearing rubber cow udders on their heads. We left after about 30 minutes of chaos and a rousing performance of "I Want It That Way" in Dutch by men in glitter suits, but not before I was handed a flyer for a party that night by someone in full blackface.

Zwarte Piet is everywhere. and that fiendish black devil will come and find you.
You cannot hide.

"Sinterklaas is assisted by many mischievous helpers with black faces and colourful outfits, modelled after 16th century Spanish clothing. These helpers are called Zwarte Pieten (Black Petes) in Dutch (see below for names in other languages). During the Middle Ages, Zwarte Piet was a name for the devil. Having triumphed over evil, it was said that on Saint Nicholas' eve, the devil was shackled and made his slave. Although the character of Black Pete later came to acquire racial connotations, his origins were in the devil figure.[citation needed] This racialisation is reflected in the reworking of the characters' mythos. From about 1850, Pete was said to be an imported African servant of Saint Nicholas. Today however, a more politically correct explanation is given: Pete's face is said to be "black from soot" (as Pete has to climb down chimneys to deliver his gifts). Nevertheless, the tradition has been accused of being racist, and attempts have been made to introduce Gekleurde Pieten (Coloured Petes), who are coloured blue, red, etc., instead of black. This phenomenon of "Coloured Petes" was introduced nationally in 2006 in the Sinterklaasjournaal (a TV news bulletin about Sinterklaas, which runs from the end of November until December 5). The explanation given for this was that "Sinterklaas passed through a rainbow with his boat".[1]"

Thank you, Wikipedia. Thank you, Holland. Your contributions to the world truly are extraordinary.
Blackface is the bestest.

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