Guilt What is yours? Explain yourself Culinary: Salt! Crackers, potato chips, cheez doodles, on bloody beef....
I get sweet cravings too of course, but by and large, it's salt that's the most satisfying.
Literary: ROMANCE. err, swashbucklers, I mean, by Rafael Sabatini. I heartily rec Captain Blood or Scaramouche. They're old school, they're high-flying, they're dramatic, heartfelt, action-packed (sometimes), and read quick even with a dictionary. They're also clean, and chock full of hot guys even though the author never says so outright. :DAudiovisual: Cowboys Gunslingers in their hats and long coats!!
Musical: Dancey 80's music. There's this old Cantopop group called the Grasshoppers that disappeared a long time ago and recently came back with a concert singing all their hits from the late 80's and 90's. I haven't been this happy with music in a long time...
Celebrity: Hugh Jackman He makes muttonchops look good. Plus, he sings reeeal nice.
Now I tag:-
NOONE! Because I don't like tagging. NYAH!
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