The parentage found a pet rabbit wandering around the development while taking a walk during New Year's Eve! It wouldn't run away but wouldn't let us really pick it up either, and perked everytime a door opened or a car went by. When we started walking away, it followed us to the door, and after some chasing, we managed to scoop it up and take it inside out of the cold.
It's so fluffy and cute and obviously well-taken care of up to that point-- we're on the lookout for any missing signs, but we have a feeling it's been abandoned on purpose. =(
We may not be able to keep it either.....;___; not for lack of wanting to! We'll see in a few weeks, but just in case, any one interested in a rabbit?
For now, we dub it "Dingleberry"! because it eats its poo and licks its butt afterwards. >_> (Haha, Jubeee) It lives in our bathtub.