Hey Ppl, How's it going? Not too bad over here. Last time I updated I was about to head off to Ottawa. I did and it was SOOO much fun. I didn't do anything I originally wanted, but it ended up not mattering at all. I still had an amazing time. And I got to hang out with and caught up with ppl I haven't had the chance to do that with in a while. Like the Amanda's and more importantly Sara. She's doing really well and I'm really proud of her. Pittsburgh was also amazing. We got in a few hours before the wedding rehearsal. After that we went to dinner and that night Melissa, April and I drank a bit and went to a single mingle dance thing that was being held at our hotel. Hahaha! It cost 5 bucks to get in so we snuck in through a side door. The next day was the wedding. It was a really nice wedding and I'm really happy for Allie. Her husband seems like a great guy. After the wedding we went to a Shi-Sha lounge. It was a BYOB place with a de-corking fee of like 5 bucks or something really cheap. So we drank and smoked shi-sha. There was like 12 of us. Joelle (Allie's younger sister) came with her BF. Meridith (Her older sister) came with her BF and a friend from Ottawa. Tamara (Missy's older sister)and her BF were there. Along with 2 ppl (Whose's names I can't remember) and ofcourse me April and Missy. After that the two friends whose names I cant remember came to stay in our hotel room and then ppl April met came over. The next morning we left. That night nothing really happened. I went to Montreal for the night and spent some time with Amanda and her sis Jess. It was fun. Then I came to Holland and it's been just amazing. I've only been partying and working. I love it here and really miss my friends here. I met this new girl Gill and she's pretty amazing. We hit it off right away. She lives in New Brunswick. Aytan is also here. I'm meeting up with him and Carol in a few hours. After going on a double date to see Cars with Gill, Murphy and one of his GF's Maggie. I went to 6 Flags the other day with Murphy, Patrick, Gill and Maude and Ashlyn and Grace. It was so much fun. But we were really tired by the end of it. LoL! Other then that just hanging out alot. I love friends here so much! My brother and his GF are here as well. Also my dog has cancer and needs to be put down soon. That makes me really sad. We've had him for so long it'll be weird visiting my parents and him not beeing there. Well I better be off. Time to shower and leave. Doei! Here are some fun pics of whats been going on.