Well Well....

Apr 14, 2006 08:17

It appears I have lost touch with my old friend LJ. Which makes me sad, but also must mean I have some resemblence of a life... Which is good. I can't even remember the last time I wrote in here.... WAIT! I'll go check... Aww, it was Valentine's day when Kyle and Kalie were being beasts. Animals.... Moving on.... Woah. A lot has happened. For one I went to Ottawa. It was amazing. I had a lot of GTs with Johnny and Brit. Went to the bar once, but it blew. And not in the good way. Oh I brought Britt climbing and she loved it so yay... I smoked a joint with Britt and Johnny. Turns out Britt's mom wanted some too... creepy. Then I came back here for a week of mid-terms. I'm proud to say I got an A in all, but Ling. Whatever... I got a JOB! :O I know... I'm now a bar-porter. AKA a bar-assistant. AKA the bar-bitch. Its a sweet job no less. Change kegs. Restock fridges. Take inventory, bring empties down, get ice... etc.... etc.... Good tips. I've mostly been food-running though. And the tips there aren't amazing, but I've met cool ppl and like that too... plus I can sneak away to watch games for a bit. Or concerts... Taste of Choas... This Thursday Brooks and Dunn. LoL! I finished school yesterday. I kind of finished on a bad note, cause I didn't get much studying done, due to working like a savage. I work full time hours with a 5-class course load. SICK. I have my exams next week (2) and the week after (3). I've actually passed all my classes already though. So go me. I'm going to Pittsburg this May for Allie's wedding. I can't wait. I could only get a week off, which sucks, but whatever. I will make the most of it! I'm getting a sweet hotel room with Melissa for 30$ a night! It even has a pool! Hehehe! LoL! Romel is doing GREAT! I haven't seen him in a bit sadly, but I hear good things. Carmen is great too.... I'll add pics. I'm pretty sure that it.... I need to do laundry before work today. And I need to go get my haircut and pay bills. So I'm peacing. DOEI!!!

GJPix Photos
Carmen and Romel

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Carmen and Romel being CUTE!

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Carmen and I bonding

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The 3 of us!

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Me in my work clothes...

GJPix Photos
Bug Eyed Romel

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Bug Eyed Carmen

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Romel using up my Minutes...

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Heavy Baby...
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