So, Friday was a bore, but I chatted with Johnny and laughed a lot cause he's funny. And I chatted with Amanda... and she made me laugh a lot too... and we played the strip game and she was only in her bra and panties.. so that was hot. Kyle stood me up... well not really. He worked at the climbing place and then was tired... so I let him off the hook and we rescheduled for Sunday night. Anyways, Saturday I had my little cutes! :D YAY!!! Went grocery shopping as well. After he left I was pretty bored and tired so I went to bed pretty early... But something great woke me up. Johnny called at like 2:30 my time... So I talked to him for a few hours and yeah... Then Sunday Kyle came home and was all excited cause it snowed and he wanted to go use his snowskate, so him, Chad and I went to the hills behind my house and played in the snow. Then we ate and played some Halo 2! I rocked those games... then I was bored... until Pats went into labour. Then Nats and her friend Meagan came and got me. We went to Denny's for some food... Meagan got the greasiest ass nachos ever... I wanted to puke when the nacho chips started falling apart from them being so soggy from all the grease. Ew! Then we went to my uncle Al's to see Pats.... And we stayed up all night.... and then went to the hospital at 6:30am... Pats was taken away and Meagan, my Aunt's friend and I all waited in the waiting room till like 2:30. Carmen was born at 1:28 though. I got a ride home from my other Aunty and went to my one class... it was SO hard to stay awake. Then I went right back to the hospital to see Pats and Carmen... she's so light and fragile. Then I went home... at like... 11ish... And did some studying and went to bed... Got up at 7 for school. Had some good times in Spanish with my good friend Cassie... she's funny and wears J. Lindeberg. And some more good times in Lingusitics... Then I came home and my house phone rang.. so I assumed it was Kalie like always... BUT! It was for me! :D I was so happy... My BFF Johnny called me! :P Yay!