There's a boy weeping, and I want so badly to help him but I can't because he won't.

Oct 02, 2003 11:27

If any of you know me in person then you know that I'm two totally different people. The boy writing now and the boy who you hang out with are not the same. Only Emma has seen the transformation from one to the other and back again.

Sometimes I get so jealous for such stupid reasons that I want to take everything I have and walk away from it and never look back. And I start to every time. I really do. Thankfully, I never follow through with anything and I always look back. It is in our most desperate at times that we are truly ourselves. When the charades have ended and behind the curtain, we are who we truly are.

Emma. . . What can be said about my Emma that hasn't been said a million times over now? She is beautiful, and unfortunately the world is not blind. And most unfortunately while she is the experiment in the Chemistry, I am the control. The average. The normal. She is extraordinary, the abnormal. Extraordinarily wonderful and abnormally beautiful.

Aphrodite is a bitch.

Last night I had a sex dream. However, it became a sex nightmare. I'm afraid that in the lucid, vivid dream of having sex in a conveniece store bathroom I found myself being something Missy Elliot had once expressed a strong distaste for. I was a minute man.
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