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[ Current Music| silence]
Got this from
He's cute.
In other news, JuC Day has come and gone, still checking out all the things that were posted. Man, there are a lot of them!
The story I'm currently working on, is stuck or at least I've written the scenes that I knew what to do with and now it's left to the uncooperative scenes. Which is always *uhum* fun, yeah.
EDIT: it was the plot bunny after all!
We'll have parent-teacher conferences tomorrow and Tuesday night which I'm nervous about, not because of the parents. You'd think so right? No, I'm nervous because my mentor will be right there. Sitting next to me and in my head she'll criticize everything I do or say, which won't necessarily have to be true but you try convincing my brain of this.
I'm just in a blah mood. I don't feel like doing anything but I want to do everything. I didn't sleep as long as I would have liked, had lots of dreams, not all pleasant I might add and for some reason this upcoming week feels like Mount Everest and I have to climb it. I can't put my finger on it what it is exactly but that just makes it worse, because if I knew what it was I might be able to fix it.