As probably not many who read this journal know, a new version of Dungeons and Dragons is coming, not sure what I will make of it for the moment (it could be good, it could be bad, although at the moment it sounds like they are going to fix some of the problems I had with 3.5).
Anyway I was reading on the (official) discussion forums of the 4th edition a discussion about the included races some of those people showed interest in furry races after some time I came across this:
LOL @ "Races of Fur" -- That release would spark some interesting editorials on certain gaming sites.
I don't know what's funnier - that people demonize furries, or that that book would sell very well.
Although I don't think it is funny, I do think this is true (well they shouldn't call it `races of fur' literary, but otherwise I could build an interesting setting out of it I think)