Sep 26, 2006 20:34
I learned nothing in school today. Except how to make these cool star things out of paper.
However, I did learn on my own time that Best Buy does not currently possess the new mewithoutYou album that came out today, nor does fye or target. Let's see, I also learned that Noodles is very capable of backing out of his collar and escaping during a walk, and that New Covenant is very far away. I also had a conscious realization, which is a form of learning I guess, while writing my anecdotal essay. Also that dark m&ms were not as good as I anticipated and that burger king gives me the shits. However, I also learned that talking to some people can make you feel a lot better when you didn't expect it. I also discovered that I know more of the words to "Yeah" by Usher than I previously thought. These are the things I learned today.