May 30, 2008 22:53
I have seen quite a few commercials that may have a "spark" of truth in them. At first, I thought that maybe they were only appealing to the sub-class of people known as "Idiots". I'll give you a few examples and you tell me what you think. (I'll make my comments too.)
There was a fragrance that advertised:
"It goes beyond the passing winds of trade"
(I have smelled "passing winds" before. I don't think I want to buy anything that goes "beyond" it.)
"Old Milwaukee... Tastes As Good As Its Name!"
(So... If I were to lick a sidewalk in Milwaukee, I would know what it tastes like?)
or how about...
A recent Benefiber commercial that advertise that it is "Colorless and Tasteless"
(Far from me to argue that they have a "Tasteless" product.)
Personally, it was annoying enough for me to watch someone SWISH with Listerine. Next I would expect to see a commercial of someone sitting near naked on a toilet explaining how soft a bathroom tissue is on their ____... Well, you can figure this out for yourselves.
So, am I alone on this onslaught of idiotic advertising?
Have we become so base that we are numbed to the point of accepting this as everyday normal?
Stay tuned! (or not)
Any annoying advertisements that bug YOU?
what do you have to say?