Mar 19, 2011 20:53
TQC I feel embarrassed and dumb that this is happening but I'm having very high anxiety from a certain part in a video game. It's LOZ: Majora's Mask, the part with the sea snakes. It's basically you going into a deep hole in the bottom of the ocean and killing these 8 huge snakes (size comparison of them vs your character is they are car width around and very long) I think seeing them in comparison to Link and imagining myself in that situation in a hole in water with giant snakes is causing me panic. It's not the snakes so much as their size and the water. I'm terrified of deep and/or open water so water parts on these games have always been hard for me but not like this.
Have you and/or someone you know experienced this? How did you complete that part of the game? I feel dumb cause it's a video game but the imagery is going a long way.
I'm kind of contemplating getting my brother to come play that part for me.