From today onwards, this journal shall be friends-only. I know I may not seem like it, but I am actually quite a private person. I actually started on Livejournal because none of my close friends were on Livejournal, then maybe it'll be harder for them to put my blog link on their blogs. Blogger was too high profile, and I didn't like xanga's layout as much as Livejournal's. And then some of you found me through other friend's pages, whether directly or indirectly, which is fine, since it's only a small number. But when I clicked on the "friends" pages of some blogs just now, I didn't like the exposure to others I hardly know, or don't know.
This is something I've been wanting to do for a long time, but I thought it was too troublesome for nana daphne and steph. Well, sorry babes.. hurry go get a Livejournal account! :) Jingjing and vic too! It's really easy. :)