
Apr 12, 2006 21:14

Now that I've handed in my last paper of my whole NUS life.... I'm totally lost and damn bloody bored! I have nothing to do! nothing to push back (writing-wise at least)... ARGH!

Damnit. Why like that one..?!

That said,

I only have 1 week to study for my 1st exam on the 22nd tho wahahaha. And i need to pack 
my notes altogether... cos they're like.. everywhere since I had to read them to write my papers blahblahblahblahblah

Plus I still need to be on the lookout for jobs but nothing seems to interest me. :( Sigh. Maybe I should really just go take up my make-up classes la. *mummy.. can lend me $3000?? I pay you back when I finally find a job as a make-up artist.*
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