Sorry it took me so long to reply to this. I have been busy the past 2 weeks with happy hours, my birthday, new years, and most importantly, breaking my knee cap and having surgery to repair it!!!!
This reply was pretty great. It was a lot better then the reply Sara Basher gave me last year where she filled the entire thing out to make fun of me and Bishop Allen.
Best CD: Dusty Kaster Live at The Snow White Diner '07
Best Concert: the ones that Dust Kaster reviewed
Best Movie: the true-life biopic: DustyK: The Man, The Mystery, The Salad
Worst Movie: the one I went to without Dusty Kaster
Best Book:" If I Were 5'11 instead of 5'10 3/4: the unauthorized autobiography of Dusty Kaster"
Best TV Show: not Trading Spaces
Best LJ Entry: the ones written by Dusty Kaster
Person of the Year: winner of the Dusty-Kaster-Look-Alike-Contest
New Friend Award: the same as the winner of the New-Old Friend Award: Dusty Kaster
Party of the Year: the one in Dusty Kaster's pants
Best Celebrity Encounter: Seeing Dusty Kaster at the Snow White Diner
Biggest Disappointment: having to go back to work after said celebrity encounter
What one thing about the past year would you change: I would have had fewer lunch-with-Dusty-Kasterless days
Greatest memory of the past year: that time that Dusty Kaster showed me his drivers license at the Snow White Diner
Theme of the Year: Dusty Kaster Brand artificial flavoring agents
Quote of the Year: "Yeah, I think I can meet you [at the Snow White Diner] at around 12:30 on Friday"- Dusty Kaster
Biggest wish for 2008: that the DMV will wave the $5 height-change charge so Dusty Kaster and I can finally have accurate drivers licenses
Anything to look forward to: the possibility that Dusty Kaster might wear more fancy sweaters at more lunches!
This reply was pretty great. It was a lot better then the reply Sara Basher gave me last year where she filled the entire thing out to make fun of me and Bishop Allen.
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