
Mar 15, 2010 01:15

 I started taking a new med on thursday night with the understanding that it would take some time to get used to and I might experience a little bit of nausea and dizziness for a while but in time it would go away. On friday morning at 6 AM I woke up CLUTCHING THE MATTRESS so that I wouldn't hit the ceiling as apparently the room had become a centrifuge. I managed to get it under control with Jess's patient and tender care and went back to sleep then woke up at 9 AM going FUCK FUCK FUCK WORK WORK WORK. I couldn't call in because the sales manager was out of town which would leave the two folks who don't know how to RUN anything running anything. So I went in and literally did NOTHING on friday but exist. Most of the day was spent with my head in my arms, trying VERY HARD not to throw up. The worst part of it is every time I YAWN, it throws off my equilibrium and almost activates my gag reflex, sending the room spinning for a moment.

Yesterday was much better and I'm *almost* over it today, THANK GOD. The yawning is still a problem but the dizziness is almost mild enough to ignore. Although I spoke too soon -- I took a break to pick Aaron up from the airport and take him home. I was fine on the drive up since we were talking the whole time but coming home was MISERY. There's something really wrong about getting carsick when YOU'RE the one behind the wheel.

I went a bit more gung ho than I should have this afternoon and FINALLY got to paint the patio fence. Or at least I got the two important sides done. The last one I really need to replace a couple of the 2x4s because they are just crumbling away with age. So next weekend I'm going to look in to that. But by the time I was done painting, I was in a cold sweat and short of breath and collapsed on the couch while Jess ate dinner. Followed by a FOUR HOUR NAP. I guess I needed it but jesus christ. Now let's see if I can get anything done before I have to sleep again...
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