dear los angeles: i still hate you

Mar 07, 2010 22:19

It's been quite a while since I've been to the Los Angeles garment district and pretty much nothing has changed. Take out the people and you have an instant, ready-made grungy post apocalyptic scene. All it needs it mohawked motorcycle gangsters shooting people for gasoline and roasting babies on spits. Funny how I'd rather be in that scene than the actual garment district.

It was a decent trip though, got the materials for Jess to make Tsuna's... ::facepalm::.. to make Nuts for me. (Why did he have to be named nuts? WHY?) AND I picked up a gooorgeous red feather boa. :D :D :D Now no excuse for doing Varia fight ver. Lussuria~~ I have the boa and the wig and the material.

We crashed at Laura's house for the night and Jess and Laura mutilated a doll. I was kind of incapacitated because for some reason my back has just been SCREAMING at me all weekend in a way it never has before. I really need to get more exercise. I'm not gaining weight or anything but my bones and muscles are just begging for it. I need to try getting back to yoga twice a week instead of once because it always feels SO good on my back, ugh. Desk job + artistic interests is a dangerous combination. I'm at the computer all day and then I get home and what I want to do is web site design, writing and digital coloring. If only there were more things to keep me perpetually chained to a computer until my back bends into a horse shoe and my useless feet just fall right off.

On the up side, in the last week I've sketched out twenty pages of comic layout. Even if it's just shitty, rough, ugly sketches, this is more drawing than I've probably done in the last three years.

msf, comicking, cosplay

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