Mar 28, 2006 13:09
I'm feeling so much better about school right now.
I just walked my human sexuality teacher to her office and had a really awesome conversation with her revolving around my speech (for another class, hah)... she's encouraging me to write an article about my research. I also got a really wonderful email this morning from someone I've been in correspondence with who's going to give me a review of my outline... I can't believe how much research I'm putting into a six minute speech. At least it's all information that will be applicable when I get around to writing my thesis n_n;; Plus it's just interesting. Finished my rough outline this morning around 3:00... and I know I'm going to rip it to shreds on the second go through. Augh, I'm so anxious about this speech. I'm really looking forward to the next one where I can tackle something simple like gay marriage rights...
I dropped the stupid geology class which is making my life so much happier. I can't handle science, I swear. As much as I love it and find it interesting, I CAN'T retain it at ALL. Oh well, I'm not going to think about that now. I'm just going to focus on the things I CAN tackle...
...We're NEVER going to finish sewing shit. We're going to play it all weekend, right guys? Right? RIGHT?? Dammit, I don't even like video games, I swear...
I might as well post this here... So, So. Cal folks going to Akon. Jess, Lauren and I are going to be driving. We're probably going to rent a van or minivan and fuckin go at it in one fell swoop. We're going to leave wednesday evening and stay an extra night to come home monday morning and arrive late monday night. Part of this is that you can't fly Southwest into Dallas... and Jess and I cannot afford that kind of airfare. Anyone like to tag along to save money? We can probably do six or so people (though Kyra and Laura might be coming back with us, we'll see.) and the more we can cram in, the lower the cost to split rental price and gas. Karla, maybe? Lauren might be able to snag you on her way down here (although I should see if it would take less time to go up north and then head east...). Folks up north if you're really crazy you could fly down here and then drive with us XD It still might be cheaper as long as you fly Southwest down here.
I should let you all know that are group regging with us for AX -- I fucked things up during the week that Laura and Kyra were staying with us and when I went to set up the registration, I was a day late. -_- So we're in correspondence with the AX staff who are trying to decide how much leeway to give people on the dates... it sounds like we have a much better chance because Jess has staffed at the con before and she's been the one in touch with them. I'll keep you posted.
Also, happy fucking JOY AX is a bunch of jackasses... augh. So here's the deal. Their artist alley is full. They never posted anywhere on the website that it was even OPEN for registration, only posted it on their forums. Their registration for the CON had the AA as an add-on option but you couldn't get a table without buying a registration which I couldn't do because we've been waiting for the staff to decide on our group registration. There was no warning that it was filling up or any mention of it at ALL on the website, so I wasn't worried. Now they're doing some sort of waiting list crap and I just hope to GOD that we get on it since I sent them an email last week asking to be put on some sort of list until our group registration got decided on. Oh I could spit fucking nails over this.
This day is going too slowly. I want to be at home working on stuff.