Shiny Shoes and Vest

Dec 11, 2008 19:59

It's the 11th and well with all the announcement which Serge has made so far the Comic Fiesta event will commence in 9 days, with Serge just missing 1 element in his devillish gay move. Though the other project he has plan can still go as soon as he find a cheap ski mask that is less than RM30.

Work today is good in a sense, but with the sudden realization that his job contract is about to end within the next 90 days; is not a happy day. The company (why the hell does it sound like Pine Hearst?) is offering an awesome globally-recognized certification course at a price no limbo master can pass up the challenge.

Here lies the situation that is making Serge's head spin like a top. The course starts in the second week of January 2009, 4 months is the period and thus ends around April/May. Serge's contract ends in March.. Do you see where Serge is going ? If he took the course and contract expires, he will have to pay the full amount and not the discounted staff price.

So he checked on some stuff, apparently he is suppose to be informed within 90 days of contract expiry if it is renewed or not. Serge's answer according to his boss, might come in next week. Second dilemma, the above course closing date is next week Monday. Holy Fucking Rudolph the Deep Throat Reindeer!

*breathes in*

Anyway, he went shopping and got the following items which cost about RM150+

Continuing from the first paragraph, Serge is missing an apron..a long black apron for his devillish gay cosplay. LOL !

Originally published at Dustyhawk :: Broken Mirror.
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work related, personal

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