Mingqi Li seems
over-optimistic by, like, 10000 li. Especially about Tonghua. Which seems too close like hyperactive mob vigilante justice for comfort from here, what with our age of flesh search engines and every person a nation and every relationship a social clan networked system. I can't even pretend to know the jargon to pull that off. Sad.
I mean, worker activists in other provinces thinking too few capitalists have been killed, sounds kind of promising, maybe, I think. (class consciousness..., yay?) But I can't clickthrough the footnotes to check because everything is fucking GreatFireWalled.
But interpreting the Mao celebrations to some kind of anti-capitalist mass protest? Oh man. The Chongqing municipal government is about to go Che on your ass, then, with their
Red Song Mandate,
GPCR opera revivals, and
Commie satellite TV takeover. Not buying it sorry.
Nice that he can see some kind of possibly bright red and green eco-socialist future, but I am stuck on the ever closing in chasm of grey drudgery. Then again, I will hopefully be staying at an anarchisty-squat in three or four day's time. It would be nice to read a few of their posts before then.
We, the Commoners sounds particularly intriguing. That, and maybe "《炼油厂诗学遇见竹林诗人》 The poetics of the oil refinery encounters the poets of the bamboo grove."
ON THE THIRD HAND I am receiving adorable messages in my inbox about solidarity activities for Canada Post workers locked out and on the verge of facing back to work legislation. students4posties.wordpress.com for example. Which I can't access to confirm its preciousness because - wait for it - wordpress.com is greatfuckingwirewalled. Anyway, I'm really glad that some moderately tech savvy people are getting into public/media relations in a moderately grassroots way. I remember during the great CBC lockout of 200..5? I got completely obsessed with archiving, on this livejournal no less, all the picket blogs that sprung up in the absence of any coordinated union big wig media efforts. I was back in Ottawa and was totally in the planning stages of bringing popsickles to Sparks Ave with Pakaboori or something, before everything ground to a dead suffocating halt with arbitration.
In an act of trans-pacific support, I mailed a package back to Jiangsu today via China Post and not the Chinese version of UPS or FedEx or whatever that EVERYBODY kept suggesting I use. Guess what chumps, it only cost me 30 RMB (slightly less than $5CDN for the kids playing along at home) and the guy at the counter helped me write 鞋 (shoes) and 礼 (gifts) when I confessed I didn't know how. (insert rage about busted iPod, ad infinitem)
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