My trench warfare "poem".
Trench warfare is brown and olive green
It tastes like mud
It smells like gunpowder
For fun it likes to take lives
While security makes it angry
Quiet makes it sad
But death makes it happy
Trench warfare is smaller than friendship
But bigger than reason
Peace is its enemy
But suffering is its friend
Trench warfare keeps individuality in a secret place
Its favorite place is a soldier's dreams
But it hates to be out of mind
Millions dying is its greatest success
The end of World War I is its greatest failure
Trench warfare makes me discouraged
Did she say something about "not just slapping something down on a piece of paper?"
Because I might have done that.
EDIT: Also got Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker on player's choice. Good art, especially when enemies die. Annoyed at sailing for hours and that Ganon didn't stay defeated. Playing through Forbidden Forest now.