Jan 16, 2005 22:56
I am sooo boring. Buahaha!!!!
Today Tiffany discovered that three-quarters and three-fourths are actually interchangable terms for the same thing.
I love that girl.
Yesterday I watched Garden State. Very cool movie. Then Tristen left and Bekah and I ranted about hot girls. It was really really fun. Really.
I stayed up till 6 in the morning. Or so. Maybe 5. Can't remember. And I love a new movie. This one's called "Anything But Love," and it is very cute.
I also made a shirt.
All in all, very successful.
On Friday, I think Ambrose was going to come into my house. Very confusing. It was like all those movies where the girl and the guy are standing outside and the guy is being polite and the girl is like "what do I do? Do I let him in?" Only it was more like, "what the hell? I'm taken, you can't come into my house."
I wanted him to though. It just would have been cool to talk to him more. After all, he DID give me a ride home, and he "never gives people rides."
But such is life.
"I can't give you anything but love, baby. That's the only thing I've plenty of, baby."